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"I don't know if I can take this job!"

Mr. Kim was in front of me with his arms crossed and a disappointed look in his eye.

All my life had been a balancing act between my job and my family. Well, what was left of it. Honestly, there was no balance. It was one big blob of work.

Each day with the goal just to get through it.

Not enjoy. Just survive.

And now I was being asked to drop another weight on the scale.

"That's what they all say. I see myself in you. You have the guts to take on this job. Don't be afraid. You're not their sole manager yet. Plus the pay is MUCH larger than what you get now."

My head was spinning as I leaned on the desk behind me. His eyes still darted at me without hesitation and I wanted to curl up and hide like a scared little kid.

26 years old with a high position at Big Hit. What else could a person want? I don't know maybe a love life or a chance to breathe for once.

The sun bled through the blinds in my office as I looked Mr. Kim in the eyes with my arms behind me fiddling with my thumbs. It was a small but cozy office with the addition of the blankets I put on the small couch but his presence made it feel as if the walls were closing in.

"I am way too young to be a manager of BTS. You're their manager right now! You know how stressful this job is!" I whined with my head still down.

"You won't be the main manager," he waved his hand "Think of it as being an assistant manager. Learn the ropes. You'll do the scheduling. Up their social media game. I've seen what you've done for all the other groups. Plus, I might have other things to do in the future. I need a safety net."

Safety net. A girl with black-rimmed glasses and a messy braid is his safety net.

I barely have my life together and he's calling me his safety net...

Not the most professional looking candidate with my leggings, grey top, and Nike jacket. I was the stereotypical 26-year-old. And here was the manager of the biggest boy band in the world wearing a suit looking like a CEO.

Being in charge of the careers of the most popular Koreans on the planet.

No pressure at all. I laughed at myself in pity.

"Let's say I do take this position," I lifted my chin. "The fans aren't going to like seeing a young girl following them around everywhere. I'm gonna be the most hated girl in the world."

"I understand your concern for being the youngest girl there if you were to work for them. We'll keep it a tight secret for now. So stop making excuses. You've worked for so many other groups before. You can manage people's schedules better than anyone else. I've seen your color-coded calendars. Don't lie to me!" he said scorning me like a child with his finger pointed at me causing me to wince.

He wasn't completely wrong.

I was the reason Blackpink got on the Late Late Show with James Corden. But having connections is different than actually being good at your job. He didn't know that.

Something about this is giving me a bad feeling in my stomach.

Halting my thought process, Mr. Kim interrupted "I'm going to take that as a yes. Tomorrow you'll start. Bring your brilliant scheduling skills and your self."

Before I could utter a rebuttal, he turned around and headed for the door ignoring the fact that I clenched my stomach with my arms as a sickening feeling came up my throat and the pounding in my head got worse.

My head is going to explode.

His footsteps diminished until he blurted something out, his foot halfway out the door.

"I would put on some nicer clothes for tomorrow. Gotta look nice for the boys," he winked at me.

I looked down at my clothes.

But this is what I always wear.

I pouted.

Alone in my office, I crashed my torso on top of the piles of paper that were perfectly stacked a second ago. The papers crashed onto my arms scraping against my soft skin probably causing little paper cuts but my headache distracted me from all that. My chair squeaked and I groaned closing my eyes.

This is insane.

There is no way I'm gonna put myself in this kind of situation.

Working for BTS? Pfft. Ya right.

I sighed out loud.

I better not regret this...


Hope you all enjoyed Chapter 1!! I have so much for this story coming. Please give it a chance <3

-xoxo HER the muse

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