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I never knew how beautiful LA is...

I strutted along the busy sidewalk surrounded by the bustle of everyone around me. Clinks of beer bottles filled the air in restaurants while people's voices layered on top of each other. The cars seemed to zoom past each other without a care in the world and the lights that shown from buildings and lamps posts lit the air like stars in the night sky. All of this and yet my face still felt the chilly air.

Everyone was walking with someone. A partner. A group of friends.

And here I was alone but contempt.

Thank god I finished writing that packet earlier. This is too breathtaking to miss...

My eyes seemed to wander until a store's display caught my eye. It was a cosmetics store. The boys' cosmetic store.

My feet began moving without thought into the empty all-white store. There were boxes on shelves with BT21 characters on them as well as the boys. For some reason it all made me feel uneasy.

"Can I help you?" a woman wearing a white blouse and black bottoms approached me, hair wrapped in a low bun.

I seemed to stutter "Oh. Uh. I'm alright. Thank you though."

Her eyes seem to widen "D-do I know you?"

My eyes drifted to the colorful wall on my right. It was plastered with colorful post-its all containing handwritten messages about the boys.

J-Hope is my baby!

OT7 forever!


Love all the boys forever and always <3

I momentarily snapped myself out of my thoughts "Uh. I don't think so," I murmured still staring at the wall.

I turned my head to see she was still staring at me her eyes taking in every detail of my face. Suddenly her eyes lit up and her hands went up to mouth covering her gasp.

"Aren't you that manager for BTS?"


My heart rate spiked and I seemed frozen right then and there.

"I-I-I'm not a manager for anyone...!"

"Yes, you are! I have intel 24/7 and you came up on my radar the other day," she flicked her finger at me and seemed to smile "Don't worry I won't call the press or anything like that."

She began walking behind the counter "I might know everything there is about the boys but noninvolved people like you should be kept out of the picture in my opinion. It ruins the magic..."

How the hell did people find out?

I stood there speechless nervously fiddling with the strings on my blue cotton jacket.

"T-thank you..." I muttered.

Did I just thank her?!

She aimlessly twirled a pen in her hand staring at the register's screen next to her "No problem... So how's being a manager for them?"


"I assumed. News is stirring that there was an attack at their recent interview... Apparently one of their managers got hurt," she shifted her eyes towards me," Was it you?"

My mouth stayed partly open, nothing coming out.

How am I supposed to act in this situation?

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