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"O-ma!" Jae Chan ran to the bed right after I opened the door. His footsteps were like little pitter-patters and his strides were small because of his small legs.

"Jae Chan! How are you my sweet pea?" Mi-so wrapped him her arms as he climbed the bed, embracing him in motherly love.

"Oh, Bo-Ra!" Mi-so wrapped me in her arm, IV sticking out. My heart ached from the sight of it.

"Jae Chan go look for the nurse. She'll give you your regular lollipop," Mi-so pointed Jae Chan out the door. He went running.

He's probably hoping to get a red one.

I walked up to sit next to her on her bed. The sunlight seeped through the blinds and landed on the sheets I sat on. "So Mi-so. What did the doctor say?"

She avoided eye contact with me, staring off towards the floor. Suddenly a faint smile appeared on her face.

"It isn't good. It spread to my kidneys."

My heart skipped a beat. Again and again.

My voice became shrill and panicky "Is the chemo not working?! I thought-"

"We thought wrong," she interrupted me "I don't think there's much we can do."

I looked at her physique. Hair gone. A bandana covered her head. Bags under her eyes. But she still had a faint smile on her face.

She is the only thing I have been able to hold on to my entire life.

For once I just want to have some control. Just a sliver.

Just enough to know what it's like to fight for something you love, and win.

I sat there quietly gathering my thoughts before I took a breathe "Mi-So. I-I'm sorry. I wish I could help. B-but-"

I began to choke on the lump in my throat and there were tears leaking out of my eyes. My breathing became erratic but I tried to keep it all in.

The real person suffering is in front of me and I'm the one breaking down.

How pathetic.

Her hand went up to gently wipe away my tears "I have a favor to ask you Bo-Ra. Can you take care of Jae Chan?"

I sat up the moment she spoke and stopped sniffling. Surprise and confusion overtook my sadness.

"Use the insurance money to pay for his school. Become his legal guardian. I have all the paperwork and you just need to sign," she grabbed my hands in hers as she spoke frantically. Her eyes were red.

She continued to stutter on "All my hospital bills are being paid for. You won't have to worry about the after cost. Focus on Jae Chan. Care for him. I won't be able to but I know you can. Please."

She pulled me closer to her face, eyes wide open. I knew I couldn't refuse anything she asked and she knew it too. I became lost in my thoughts as the beeping of machines filled the silence.

Me taking care of Jae Chan.

How could I be a mom when I wasn't even raised by one? I've never had a brother. I don't know how they grow.

Mi-So won't be here for me to ask her questions like how does Jae Chan like his vegetables, how do I get him to eat them, does he have allergies and-

"Of course I will," tears in my eyes blinded my sight and I forced a smile on my face but I failed in my attempt.

"Bo-Ra, don't be sad," she brushed my hair out of my face as my sniffling echoed in the room.

"H-how can I not be sad?" I hiccuped and sniffled through my words.

She squeezed my hand even tighter. "Bo-Ra. Do you think I'm not sad I might leave you and Jae Chan? I'm devastated," her voice was calm and soft, "But I know he'll be in great hands."

She lifted my hands up and observed them. I had very long and slender fingers for a girl but all my nail polished was chipped and broken.

"Plus if I do go I'll finally meet up with Soo-bin. I did tell him I'd see again one day. Didn't I?" her eyes glittered as her smile widened with her eyes joining as well.

The door clicked open.

"O-ma! The nurse gave me an extra lollipop! Here!" Jae Chan ran back into the room with his arms wide open reaching out for her.

"Ah thank you!" A bright smile reappeared on her face. She picked him up and laid him on her lap.

Jae Chan. When he finds out about her how am I gonna-?

The clock is ticking for Mi-So.

Every second is a second gone.

Time lost.

How is she smiling like that right now?

"Noona," Jae Chan's voice snapped me out of my thoughts as he turned his head sitting on Mi-so's lap "Can we get pie on the way home?"

His eyes were as big as the sun. His smile was as wide as the ocean. Full of innocence.

"Of course," I patted his head.

Of course, I will.


Hiya! Thanks for reading. I really hope you still give this story a chance. I still have so much to say.

-xoxo HER the muse

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