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What time is it?

My eyes were half open to see the light bleeding through the slit of the curtain. My head was leaning on something and it wasn't a pillow. I turned my body over to find a sleeping Jin a few centimeters away from my face. I was leaning on his arm and I felt his other arm was dropped around my waist.

Oh my god! Did we-

I lifted up the white sheets to find I was still in my clothes from last night. My light blue skinny jeans and my white wrap around top. Though it seemed that my red cotton jacket was thrown on the chair near the bed.

Were we about to?! Were close to doing-

I felt my face turn red at the thought of it. Jin was still wearing his clothes from last night jeans and a white t-shirt.

He still has his clothes on. It's fine.

I turned myself over and reached for my phone on the nightstand.

7:16 am

Shit. If we don't get up now we'll be late!

I boosted myself to sit up but the rustling of the sheets still didn't wake him up.

"Psst. Jin," I whispered poking his arm.


"Pssst, Jin."

He squirmed.


I lowered my head towards his ear.

"Psst. Jin," I whispered.

"W-What?" he murmured his eyes still shut open and arms in the same place.

"You have given me no choice," I smirked and began tickling him near his stomach.

He woke up immediately eyes widen open giggling, "Yah! S-Stop! Bo-Ra!"

He heaved himself up and grabbed my waist. My brain didn't seem to process what happened next as everything moved so fast. But in the end, I was pushed down on the bed as he hovered over me. His elbows supported him on either side of my head and his knees dug into the sheets on both sides of my right leg.

He was breathing heavily from the previous tickle attack and both of us knew what situation we were in.

I grinned "you gave me no choice," trying to push down my giggles.

"Don't be such a tease..." he was blushing as he lowered his head our lips only a few centimeters apart.


"Bo-Ra! Do you have Mr. Kim's number?! I don't have service here!"

Jin's eyelids drooped to become half-closed at the sound of HoSeok's voice.

Damnit HoSeok.

"Yah! I'll give you the SIM card! Just give me a second," I yelled back and sighed out loud.

Jin was still on top of me.

"We don't want to be late," he pecked my lips and rolled off the bed heading for the restroom.

I rolled off the bed, grabbing the paper bag from the desk. I opened the door annoyed.

"Here," I breathed handing HoSeok a plastic-packaged sim card.

He was still in his PJs, sweatpants and a green hoodie.

"Thanks, Bo-Ra...so how's Jin?" he winked at me giving a goofy smile.

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