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Sitting at my desk, I shuffled through their paperwork. Each paper was for a certain event that needed to be grouped together with other events on certain days. It was like a giant Tetris game only it didn't have fun background music.

Interview at 3... Then that means Lunch is at 12:00-12:30? ... Dress and Makeup 1:00-1:30... Leave by 2:00... Meeting with the director for the music video at 7:00. Ugh.

My eyes seared from the computer screen's light.

I knew they were busy but it's gonna be like this for months for them.

Hard workers huh.

Color-coded bars and aesthetically pleasing schedules were my specialties. Color schemes and complementing fonts. The covers for them made them look even better.

My mom, being the art teacher she was probably would have been satisfied at the sight of it. If she would have even wanted to see it.

Walking towards the dance room, I saw the cafe, smelling like halmeoni's house. Always making apple pie and strawberry shortcake. The memory of her teaching me how to bake popped into my head.

Always use cold butter for the crust Bo-Ra, crimp the edges properly, and-

I snapped myself out of my thoughts and walked up to the counter, "10 apple pie pockets please."

When I walked in front of the door of the dance room, I heard screaming and stopped in the middle of my tracks.

"Yah! The move goes like this not THIS!"

"Hyung, you look like a squid."

The muffled sounds I heard behind the door didn't sound like intense focus at least regarding my definition.

Hard workers huh.

I shook my head and knocked on the door.

"Hey! Someone get the door."

The handle turned and stood there was SeokJin, in a black t-shirt and grey shorts all sweaty from dancing.

"Oh. Bo-Ra! What brings you here?"

His breathing was heavy but he still glowed with energy. Like a lightbulb fighting to stay on in the middle of the night.

"Here are the schedules for tomorrow. Oh and here are some goodies for working hard. You guys have a jam-packed schedule tomorrow so don't be late."

He took the bag from my hands allowing me to let go of the breathe I was keeping in.

"Aw. Thanks. That's very thoughtful. We'll eat well," he said with a small but deeply sincere smile. His eyes seemed to curve with his mouth.

"Hey! It's Bo-Ra! Hi Bo-Ra!" HoSeok screamed as he laid on the floor waving his tired arm. He had a mustache on his face drawn with what I was assuming a black marker.

What the-

My eyes started to focus on the rest of the room. The rest of the boys were either wrestling or on the floor collapsed from exhaustion. Namjoon was recording the whole chaos. I could feel the heat from the room; it was like a sauna in there. I turned my head trying to see into the studio and I seemed to freeze right then and there.

Jesus Christ! How is it even possible that that the mirror is all foggy like that?!

I gave a little bow and a smile. At that moment I was the most intimidated I had ever been in my life. SeokJin was still staring straight at me but my mind was a little too occupied to notice.

Hard workers. For sure.

"Hey, Bo-Ra! You coming to dinner tonight?" Jimin yelled running towards the door. He was also sweaty, wearing shorts and a white t-shirt that had Jungkook's face on it.

"W-What dinner?" I asked, nervously.

"Oh. Did Mr. Kim not tell you? We're all going to barbeque to celebrate your new position," Jimin replied.

"Hey. Go give these to everyone," SeokJin handed over the bag to Jimin.

"Yah! Who wants to eat?!" Jimin ran towards the boys all swarming towards him like bugs mesmerized by midnight light.

"Wow! Thanks for the goods!" Jungkook smiled and waved at me. I smiled back without noticing it.

"Hey! Don't take a bite of mine!" slapping ensued.


I shifted my eyes towards SeokJin trying to clear up my confusion "So you guys have dinners for managers all the time?"

"Uh. Ya. I mean we've only ever had the one. We think it's nice to be close to the staff. Anyways, we'll see you at dinner," SeokJin smiled and nodded, closing the door.

My hair blew out of my face from the door slam. My feet seemed glued to the floor and my eyes to the door.

Dinner. With BTS. This sounds like some sort of weird fangirl dream. Huh.

I walked away slowly not realizing my current situation and then I ran.


I've been wanting to write this story for a while. It's always stirred in my imagination. Thanks for reading. I really appreciate it!

-xoxo HER the muse

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