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Something's not right.

I stared at the tv screen on the wall. The boys were in the middle of their dance for IDOL and I could tell what was going on in their heads.

"Mr. Kim!" I yelled running through the hallway crowded with a sea of makeup artists and stage crew.

"Bo-Ra! Why are you yelling?!" I tugged on his suit's cuff.

"Something's wrong with the boys." We hurried through the hallway back to the dressing room. My heart was beating fast hoping that my gut feeling was wrong.

Please be wrong. Please be wrong.

We both stared at the screen as the boys danced and Jungkook stumbled his footwork. Namjoon was discreetly holding onto the back of his neck while he focused on his feet and his lyrics.

"Why are they stumbling so much? They never mess up their choreography like this!" Their faces were blank and serious, fitting to the song but they were gasping for breath at every lyric. The crowd was cheering for them but the only thing I heard was a stinging ringing in my ear.

"I think I know." Mr. Kim turned to me and I stared at him deadlock in the eyes "Didn't the venue manager say the air conditioner had problems in the last few days?"

"Well-" his eyes were frozen and his face flustered "b-but they said they had gotten it fixed," Mr. Kim said as he rubbed his forehead.

"I don't think they did...Look at them!"

My heart sank.

These boys work so hard they don't know their limits. They just don't know when to stop sometimes!

"Excuse my recklessness Bo-Ra-"

"I don't care about that right now," I breathed out a sigh "I care about the boys. The song's about to end. We need to go up to check ourselves."

Mr. Kim lagged behind me urging me to run faster and get there quicker. The only thing on our minds was the boys.

I care about them way too much to let them to this to themselves!

I stopped my feet in the middle of the seating area a few meters away from the entrance to the stage. The boys stumbled out with Jungkook being supported by HoSeok with his arm around his neck. My feet moved without my brain thinking.

"Hey, Jungkook! You alright?!" HoSeok flung him on the couch.

"Hey! We need water and some ice!" Namjoon yelled sitting next to an exhausted Jungkook on his side.

I placed my hand on his forehead and flinched like I was touching a hot pan.

"Yah! You need to slow down! Yoongi and HoSeok's solos are up so you have time to breathe but take it easy!" Namjoon tried yelling over the noise of the crowd but Jungkook stared with blank eyes.

"Hey, you too! I saw you holding up your head while trying to dance!" I didn't want to hurt his authority or leadership but he looked at me knowing I was right.

Suddenly I was pushed out of the way by the paramedic who checked Jungkook's breathing while he drank water. Mr. Kim came to my side.

"The crew manager said it's about 85-90 degrees out there! You were right!" Mr. Kim patted my shoulder as I saw HoSeok and Yoongi running out for their solos.

They screamed from a distance.

"Take care of Jungkookie!"

I surveyed the room. Jungkook and Namjoon were surrounded by crew members and a paramedic and then I saw Jin collapsed on the couch while Taehyung had his hand on Jin's shoulder.

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