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Mi-so was right.

That night I hadn't been able to sleep. With Mi-so in the hospital, it felt as if what was left of my world was slipping away from my fingers. I didn't want to feel completely alone. I'd always had a taste of it considering they left without a care in the world. But if Mi-so was gone...

I was sitting on the patio outlooking the skirts of the beach. The moon was full, mocking me.

I should have just gotten two bottles of soju instead of one.

My thoughts lingered out to the beach until I heard footsteps behind me.

In a flash, I stood up and turned to see Namjoon with his glasses on and bottle in hand.

"Bo-Ra, what are you doing up?" he scratched the back of his head.

"Oh. You scared me," I sat back down and he followed "I just couldn't sleep."

"Well, cheers," we clinked our bottles together.

"Why couldn't you sleep?" I turned to him.

"Don't know. Probably just cause of the album and everything," he stared off into the distance taking a sip of his drink.

"Hey, cheer up," I nodded my head "You guys have worked hard and it shows. If you love what you put out music-wise, then you have nothing to worry about."

"There's always something to worry about," he sipped his bottle and focused on the water.

"That's true," I took a sip of my bottle, "But it's your choice if you want your world to revolve around it."

There was a defining silence between us like someone pressed pause on the world.

"You've only managed us for a few months... It's not as noticeable now but the boys have gone through a lot."

"Like?" I turned my head which seemed heavier than before.

"I couldn't tell you the number of times we were accused of plagiarism or given death threats. The number of times we've cried in our dorm..." he lowered his chin lost in his distant memories.

The brighter the light that's shown on the person, the darker the shadow.

"And look at you now! You're about to take over America. Let's make a bet. Right now," I swigged my bottle, "I bet... you guys will perform at the Billboard Music Awards one day."

He laughed and I pointed my finger at him.

"Oh, you don't believe me! Okay, I'll crank it up! The Grammys AND the BMAs... You're taking over America. I'll make sure of it," I gave him a long wink as the alcohol got to my head.

"Uh. Huh," he smiled taking a drink.

"You're the best person to lead the boys you know," my eyes became refixed on the water before us.

"You mean a dad?" he laughed.

"You know, your English interviews are hilarious. They CANNOT speak English. Your face whenever they try is-," I started belting my laughs, "you know I can speak English and whenever they try they just don't make any sense!" My cheeks hurt and my smile was stuck on my face.

"Well I'm glad you enjoy them..." he shook his head out of embarrassment.

"I didn't ask. Why couldn't you sleep?" he nodded his head towards me.

My smile faded away into nothing.

"Ahh," I scratched my head, "I'll give you the short story." I waved my hand in rhythm "Sister-hospital-not good-also-stuff?"

"Sorry to hear that?" he looked at me in confusion, believing the first part and assuming the rest was the alcohol talking.

"It's alright. Having you guys around makes everything a little better," I fought my head to smile back.

"Thank you for being a good sister to us," he smiled with his eyes glowing from the light of the moon.

"I've always I wanted a brother so getting seven was sufficient enough," I flung my arm and gave him a thumbs up.

"You know I think Jin-hyung really likes you."

"Pffft," I took another swig.

I need to forget he said that.

"You're just drunk," I stuttered.

"I'm not the drunk one here!"

We drank the night away, our eyes focused on the glow of the moon and the ribbons of light that reflected on the water. Though there was another person that night hiding behind the wall that separated Namjoon and me from the inside.

He too was also taking in the ribbons of light and all of our words.


Who is this person?? I'm really tired. See you all next chapter!

-xoxo HER the muse

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