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"Namjoon! Why are you kicking the ball like that?!"

The boys were filming another episode of RUN BTS! and everyone was staying at dorms near the beach. The crew had shrunk in order to fit everyone within two houses but they still decided to bring me along. The boys were still attempting to figure out how outdoor volleyball worked. It was hilarious.

"Yoongi, you can't just jump expecting the ball to land on your head," Jimin was trying his best to encourage him.

I thought Yoongi always played basketball. I guess he's just not good at this game.

"Yah! I'm trying my best," he pouted while whining his arms around.

HoSeok has kicked the ball over the crews' heads twice now and Jin did it once.

Can Jungkook just win and get the game over with?!

I threw my head back sighing in the cold weather grabbing onto my coat's sleeves until I felt a tapping on my shoulder.

"Bo-Ra, we have a little problem," Mr. Kim was behind me with his teeth clenched.

We walked a few feet away from the cameras.

"What's wrong?"

"See, well I guess there was counting gone wrong and the dorm for the crew is over capacity... and well I was wondering if you wouldn't mind staying in their house tonight. You have all the right to say no. I understand this is not professional but I just thought that because you pretty much treat the boys like brothers that you wouldn't mind and-"

"I'll do it," I paused him with my hand "Don't worry. I mean who else could watch over them the way I do," I winked at him.

"Ahhh. Bo-Ra, big sister to seven beautiful and crazy children. Watch over them for me," he walked off.

I stood there in disbelief.

Ehhh. I wouldn't put it that way...

But now I probably have to cook for them.

I closed my eyes trying to push down the upcoming headache.


What the heck is the budget for this show anyways?!

The crew had set up a blow-up obstacle course on the water earlier and now the boys were trying to beak Jungkook to get the kickball on the inflatable mountain. They were failing miserably. Seven against one. I counted again.


I looked to the side to see HoSeok walking over to the tent near me with his arm clinging over a crew member's neck. They entered the tent as I did and I stood there unsure what to do as he laid down in the makeshift bed. The crew member ran out leaving me alone in the room with him.

"Oh. Hey Bo-Ra," he gave a slight wave at me keeping his eyes fixed on the tent's roof.

"Everything alright? You don't look so good," he was wearing a blue shirt which was wet. You could practically see the steam coming off of him.

"Ya. I'm fine I just need to rest a little bit. A little seasick. That's all."

A little?! He's pale green...

"Well if you're sick you should stay here. I suggest you don't go back out," I huffed out grabbing a blanket laying it on top of him.

He laid there arm covering his eyes.

"Just give me a few minutes. I'll be up in a jiffy-"

"Oh. No, you're not. HoSeok don't push it," I finished tucking him in and pointed my finger at him.


"Why are you so persistent to get back?" I shrugged my shoulders.

He sighed out loud "Cause it's better when all of us are together. It makes the fans happier and the boys happier."

I rolled my eyes and stared at him "HoSeok you know I'm not letting you got out of this tent. You look horrible," I placed my hand on his forehead.


He tried to push himself up and I pushed him back down.


"HoSeok. Look at me," he slowly turned his head towards me. I had never seen the sun this dark before.

"The boys nor the fans would ever want you to push yourself past your limit," I sighed. "You're so selfless you know that," I wiped away the hair that was covering his sweaty forehead.

It was like seeing an abandoned dog on the side of the road, trying to comfort it at forced itself to walk.

"HoSeok!" I heard Taehyung behind me.

The rest of the boys flooded into the tent with concerned looks plastered all over their faces. Everyone's hair was wet and they were shivering but it seemed as if they didn't care.

"Are you okay?" Namjoon hovered over him.

"I'm fine. Bo-Ra's nursing me back to health," he smiled.

"I've just been standing here making sure he doesn't try to leave and over exhaust himself," I muttered with my arms crossed.

Taehyung wrapped his wet arm around my neck "Our Bo-Ra always watching over us."

"Yah! I'm not your mother," I scoffed.

"No, you're our big sister," Jimin wrapped himself around me in a hug.

"Aigoo. You guys are shivering. Wrap yourselves," I untangled myself from the hug and went over to grab towels proceeding to throw on over Yoongi's head covering his face completely as he stood there silently, "That reminds me. I'm staying in your dorm tonight. The other dorm is full so I got kicked out."

In the corner of my eye, I saw Jin's eyes widen. His ears were red.

"Does that mean you can make the stew you made us last time?" Jungkook had a grin on his face.

A puppy begging for a treat and I couldn't resist.

I petted him on his head "Fine. I will. You guys should go back to filming. Don't worry about HoSeok, " I waved them off. They all ran out shivering.

"Psst. Bo-Ra..."

I turned around to see HoSeok with a mischievous grin on his face.

"What?" I said turning my head towards him meeting his eyeline.

"Do you have a favorite out of all of us?"

A favorite?

I proceeded to crouch down "How could I have a favorite when you're all equally loveable?" I patted his head.

"Aww," he smiled brightly.

"And annoying," I winked and flicked his forehead.

"Ow!" he flinched rubbing his forehead with his finger.

Being asking who your favorite is like being asked to pick one star out of a galaxy.

They're all too bright I can't even distinguish who I'm pointing at.


HoSeok is the most precious thing in this world. Must protect at all costs.

-xoxo HER the muse

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