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Why aren't they answering?

I tried knocking again. No answer.

I unlocked the door annoyed to find the dance room empty, well accept for Jungkook in the corner reading with his headphones on.

"Yah!" I yelled to get his attention.

He turned his head, taking off the headphones, "Oh hey Bo-Ra."

"Where is everyone?" I walked over to him and sat next to him.

"Most of them are in the studio I think," he looked at me and back towards his lap.

"Ah, I see. Well here are the papers Mr. Kim asked me to give to you guys," I pulled them out of my bag and set them in front of his feet.

I turned my eyes. On his lap was a textbook.

"English?" I grabbed it and started flipping through it.

He's learning progressive tense. Cute.

"Ya. Gotta prepare for those upcoming interviews."

"You study too much. Nerd," I nudged him in the shoulder laughing.

"I'm doing this so Namjoon doesn't have to speak 24/7 for us. Plus it's nice to understand what people asking and not respond with nonsense," he smiled snatching the book from my hands.

"Ya. Can I just say as an English speaker myself your guys' interviews are very interesting," I began to laugh as the memory of Namjoon's disappointed face popped in my mind.

"You speak English?" his eyes widened and began sparkling.

"Yes sir!" I winked at him.

"Test me!" he jerked himself up off from leaning on the wall.


"Noona please," he blinked his eyes and pouted his lips, aegyo bouncing off of his face.

"Okay okay!" I nudged him in the shoulder.

For an hour we only spoke in English. Sometimes he would hold a conversation for a long period of time and sometimes he would just stare at me when he didn't understand my question.

"I mean you're good but not Namjoon good. Almost there though!" I patted him on his shoulder.

As he looked in his book for a translation the door squeaked open interrupting my staring contest with the mirror on the wall across from me.

"Yah Namjoon you're too tall!" Jimin had been attempting to carry Namjoon piggyback style into the room. He had the muscles but Namjoon was one long noodle that did not want to cooperate.

"Oh hey, Bo-Ra!" Jimin straightened his shoulders causing Namjoon to fall on his butt.

Aish. These boys.

The rest of the boys laughed and helped him up off the ground.

"What are you guys doing here?" HoSeok walked over dancing, seemed to be in a good mood.

"Noona was helping me study English," Jungkook was focused with his eyes surveyings all the pages in his book.

HoSeok began speaking in English. Broken sentences and words that didn't make sense together.

"Aish. Stop speaking. My ears are broken," I laughed covering my ears with my hands.

Jimin suddenly jumped in "He uh brOke my eAr."

The boys broke out into laughter as they all began talking in English. Namjoon's face went blank as all hell broke loose.

"Well, I'm leaving this chaos. And those papers are your guys'. Don't lose em," I walked off towards the door away from the chaos the still ensued.

"Noona! Sorry for annoying yoouuu!" Taehyung put me in headlock trying to drag me back.

I fought to keep my face straight until Jin came up and started tickling me.

"Yah! Stop! Stop," I couldn't control my laughter as he picked me up, grabbing me from behind.

"Put me down!" I smacked him on the chest and he pretended to get shot.

I rolled my eyes but couldn't help but smile. Then I noticed to my side Yoongi was ignorant of the chaos going around him. His eyes glued to his phone and his thumbs tapped away.

"Yoongi who you texting?" I said with my eyes preying on him my arms crossed.

He looked up and stuffed his phone in his pocket not saying a word.

"Yoongi's been talking to a girrrlll," Jimin teased and came from behind my shouler.

"Hong Joo?" I asked.

He nodded and smiled.

"Yoongi!!!" I went up to grab his shoulders.

"He's been video chatting her late at night sometimes. The walls are pretty thin you know," Namjoon gave a smirk and rested his elbow on Jimin's shoulder.

"Yoongiiii!!" I shook his shoulders even more, "Don't hurt her. I'm watching you."

"Aish. Leave me alone," he said pushing my hands off.

"MmmmmHmmmmm. Do you like like her?" I winked at Yoongi and felt Jin's arm wrap around my shoulder.

My eyes widened.

Heart stop beating so fast!

Quit it!

"She's really understanding and caring. She treats me like a person rather than an idol. There was this one time we both drank and talked over the phone. Let me tell you she can be really funny," he smiled and started laughing all while blushing trying to cover it up with his hand.

I turned my head to see Jin next to me. He turned his head smirked and looked back at Yoongi. It was so natural. But part of me thought of anything further as a taboo.

"I-I got to get back to my office. I'll see you guys at the meeting tomorrow," I pushed Jin off my shoulder, walked off and headed out the door.

I walked alone in the hallway.

Remember who he is Bo-Ra.

Remember who you are.

If you don't stop now, you're going to lose everything you have left in your life.


Is she worthy of finding love? I don't know. We'll see ;)

-xoxo HER the muse

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