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It's so much bigger than I thought.

I looked up and down at the mansion before me.

I know they're rich and all. But wow.

The dorm I thought was part of a regular apartment was really a house with two stories in a private neighborhood. Not to mention the design. Modernistic and sleek but also a little homey with the furniture I saw inside.

"Bo-Ra! You're here!" Jimin opened the door with a wide smile. He was wearing a blue sweater, black sweatpants, and bunny slippers.

How adorable.

A smile crept up on my face without my permission and I tried to hide it by lowering my head and covering my mouth with my hand.

"Come on in," the door swung open to a home design magazine in real life.

Marble flooring and white pristine walls. Modern furniture.

The number of rooms is definitely beyond my ten fingers.

"You okay? You look like you've seen a ghost," Jimin smiled at my frozen face.

"Huh?" I shook my head "Ya, your dorm is just bigger than I thought."

"Ohhh. Ya, it is a little bit on the castle side. Come on. I'm hungry and I wanna raid the kitchen," he swung his arm around my shoulders and dragged me to the kitchen.

The kitchen was just as beautiful as the opening of the house. Only it was filled with boxes of colorful cereal and snack bags. Take out menus in drawers and scattered bags of chips on the counters.

"Ms. Bo-Ra! Are you ready to film the best episode of Eat Jin ever?!" SeokJin was wearing a black hoodie pointing a spatula straight at my face from across the kitchen island.

"Ya," I laughed pushing the spatula away "What are you gonna make?"

"No clue!" he pointed the spatula to the face a second time.

"Yah, you had all morning to think about this," I pouted crossing my arms over my chest.

"Oh, Bo-Ra! Welcome to our humble abode!" Taehyung walked towards the island and jumped to sit on top of it, hood on his head, wearing glasses that mirrored those of Harry Potter, and snacking on cheese puffs with dusted fingers.

"Jin-hyung, what are you making?" Taehyung nudged.

"Don't know!" pointing his spatula again.

What a goofball.

Jimin was leaning on the island with his elbows supporting him as he rested his head of pink messy hair.

"Ahhh Jin-Hyung, why don't you make your japchae? I can ask Jungkook and Yoongi to make stew. We could all have it for dinner," Jimin murmured.

"Eat Jin with special guests. I like it!" SeokJin swung the spatula one more time before a pajama-wearing Jungkook appeared out of thin air and grabbed it.

"You're not a wizard," Jungkook laughed putting the spatula on the counter while taking cheese puffs from Taehyung's bag.

"Yah I could be one if I wanted to," SeokJin nudged his head towards him crossing his arms.

"I mean you already got the being old part down," Jungkook bursted out laughing infecting everyone else in the room.

"Aigoo! Yah. You're not gonna be young forever!" SeokJin picked up the spatula and Jungkook went running, hysterically hiding behind Namjoon as he walked into the room.

"What's going on?" Namjoon scanned the kitchen scratching his head as if he had just woken up from a nap.

"Another bickering war! My money is on Jungkook," Jimin threw out as he was laughing uncontrollably banging his fist against the counter.

The kitchen was echoing with laughter and something crept up in my chest. It was warm and inviting, it was a weird feeling. Something I couldn't pinpoint.

Jin whined, "Yah stob it!"

I grabbed the spatula from SeokJin and smacked him on the head.

"The heck?!" SeokJin's eyes widened and his arms flailed around.

"Work on your english. It's 'stop it.' I corrected him, giggles spilling out of my mouth.

"Noona's protecting me!" Jungkook jumped behind my back laughing mischievously, popping his head out from behind me.

During all the commotion, I felt a buzzing coming from my bag. I scrummaged through it digging for my phone.

Jae Chan's school?

I quietly slipped out of the kitchen to the front of the house. My heart pounding like the beating of a drum.

"H-hello?" I blurted out.

"Is this Sung Bo-Ra?" the lady on the other side of the phone spoke softly.

"Yes. This is her. Is there something wrong?"

"We're calling because there was a small disturbance between Jae Chan and two other boys. Some bullying apparently occurred between Jae Chan and them. The boys have apologized but Jae Chan says he isn't feeling well and would like to go home. School is almost out so it would not be much of a disturbance."

"I-I'll be right there," I felt a headache coming on.

I scurried into the kitchen while some of the boys noticed my disturbance.

"Is everything alright?" Taehyung leaned towards me still sitting on the counter.

"I'll be right back. I have to go pick someone up. Can you guys start without me? I'll be back in thirty!" I yelled running out the door.

Jae Chan is too little and sweet to get into a fight! How could this-?

When I got there I saw Jae Chan sitting in a chair in the main office. I signed him out and walked with him to the car.

We walked in silence. Him not saying a word. Right before he reached for the door handle, I crouched to meet him at eye level.

"What happened?" I spoke in a stern voice.

He looked away from me.

"Jae Chan..." I guided his little chin back to face me.

He muttered under his breathe with his eyes looking down "They teased me for not having a dad."

My brain was triggered. I wanted to find the boys who said this. I wanted to rip their blackened hearts out and scream at them.

Who could say such a thing?!

What kind of monster could-


"Jae Chan, don't listen to them. You have a dad. He's just not," I sighed "here. He's up there," I pointed to the sky, our eyes following the paths of the clouds.

"Let's go cheer you up. Okay," we got into the car and drove back to the place I knew he could have a dad for a day... or maybe seven.


Little Jae Chan has my heart... the next chapter is gonna be a fun one! Thank you for reading!

-xoxo HER the muse

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