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"You guys kissed?!"

Hong Joo screamed on the phone making me flinch. My eardrum was throbbing.

"Y-yes! How many times do I have to say it?!"

I was in my office sitting at my desk which had piles of paper packets that never ended. I was cleaning up and packing because I had to leave for LA in a couple of days. I would be leaving earlier than the boys to have in-person meetings with managers for the shows to review everything before the filming day but the only thing on my mind was the recording booth kiss from the day before.

"So are you guys official or what?"

"We are but we're keeping it a secret from the press and Mr. Kim. If this ever got out, I would probably lose my job," I sighed out loud at the thought of it.

"My lips are sealed shut. Just please be careful. Dating an idol is a whole other world..."

"Ya about that. How's YOONGI?"

Silence overtook line.

"H-hello? Hong Joo are you still there?"

"I'm still here. H-he's good..."

"That answer is not cutting it. Spill. Now."

"Okay. Okay. He's always busy so we usually face time. Sometimes we'll just face time until we fall asleep."

I've never heard her talk about someone like this before.

"Aww. Hong Joo..."

"We have a lot in common. We also listen to the same music surprisingly. We're really comfortable with each other. I just wish I could see him in person more often."

"Dating an idol is a whole other world. You know when he mentioned you the other day he blushed and got all shy."


"Mmmhmm. He called you understanding and caring. And that you treat him like a person rather than an idol. Oh. He also called you funny."

"I mean why wouldn't I treat him like a person. Being honest, he's really special. When he started opening up to me and telling me about his life it made my heart go all fuzzy."

"That's cute but if he ever treats you wrong just call me so I can go slap him myself."

"Alright alright."

"Hong Joo. Are you sure you're okay with Jae Chan staying with you for two weeks?"

"Bo-Ra I already told you it's okay. Just do what you gotta do. I'll also bring him to see Mi-So whenever he wants."

I sighed out of relief.

One more thing off the scale. Things finally felt like they were falling off my shoulders. Pieces are finally settling where they needed to be. Well sorta.

"Hong Joo. I'm gonna head out I got to finish a few things before I start packing all my stuff."

"Alright, I'll talk to you later."

I scanned my desk for the yellow folder that held their tickets and itineraries for their leaving day. I scurried out the door, bag on my shoulder, folder in one hand and in the other a bag of pastries I had bought for them.

"They better not eat all of these before dancing," I scoffed.

As I walked down the hallway, I noticed there wasn't any music playing or shouting from the dance room.

That's weird. Someone's always being tackled or screaming in that room.

I walked up to the door quietly with a weird feeling in my stomach and then I heard speaking.

"Why aren't you going to tell Mr. Kim?"

I think it was Namjoon's voice but the door muffled the tone in their voice.

I stood there quietly and then decided to place the folder and the bag down quietly before the door and step to the side. I slid my back down the wall to sit with my chin leaning on my knees. I listened.

"If Mr. Kim finds out about this, she's gonna get in a lot of trouble. She might lose her job not to mention how much trouble I might get in."

"Keeping this a secret from him for who knows how long might make things worse. If you tell him, maybe he can arrange something."

"And by arranging something you mean fire her."

"Bo-Ra can't get fired! She's pretty much family at this point."

There were multiple voices in that room. All seven of em.

"Is there are rule about this in the handbook or something?"

"What handbook?"

"I don't know. Some sort of kpop idol handbook."

I heard a slap echo in my ear making me wince.


"I say tell Mr. Kim after the trip to America. We should be focusing on that right now. As much as we think you and Bo-Ra are great together, which we do, this also involves our reputation. No matter what we can't have any scandals going on."

Oh. So now I'm a scandal to them? What happened to family huh?

"I really don't know what to do. I care about her so much but sometimes I just think she'd be better off not to be associated with me. If this does get out, imagine all the things they might say or do to her."

"Idols really don't have it easy when it comes to dating..."

"Am I doing the right thing trying to be with her?"

"Hyung, if you love her then be with her it's as simple as that. And if the world hisses at you hiss at them back."

Jungkook. I guess he's the oldest one now. Huh.

"Even if Mr. Kim finds out. He wouldn't reveal it to the press willingly."

"I agree. But still, if this does get out imagine Bo-Ra's safety. She never asked to be in the spotlight."

"And she won't be. Now I think I should tell Mr. Kim after the trip and negotiate on how to keep everything private and her safe."

"And if he tries to fire her...?"

"I won't make that an option."

"I don't want Bo-Ra to leave..."

Neither do I Jimin. Neither do I.

I checked my phone.

Shit. I'll be late.

I stood up, knocked on the door, and ran back to my office leaving the bag on the floor. I shut the door and realized my face was wet. There was a lump in my throat and tears leaking out of my eyes against my wishes.

Leaving them would be taking away the last things I cared about in my life. The last things I treasured. Not to mention leaving Jin. I-

I sucked up all the tears and took a deep breath.

That's it. I'm tired of crying.

This time I'm gonna fight... and I'm gonna win.


You go Bo-Ra! Fight girl. If you've made t this far into the book I wuv youuuu!!

-xoxo HER the muse

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