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"Don't hog all the meat for yourself!" Yoongi yelled reaching for the meat Jungkook held while outstretching his arm teasing him.

We were eating dinner at a small mom and dad owned restaurant. The place was small but this meant a smaller chance people would recognize them and call the press. The lives of idols were centered around caution but what unfolded before me said otherwise.

Namjoon was blissfully quietly eating meat watching the chaos unfold with disapproval in his eyes. J-Hope was just laughing and pointing with Jimin during the bickering.

"Wow. You guys really are like siblings," I murmured with my chopsticks pointed at my mouth. It seemed that my eyes were glued onto the chaos.

"You have no idea," SeokJin blurted out.

I was sitting in between him and Mr. Kim who seemed just as annoyed as Namjoon. Like parents observing their kids arguing over the TV remote.

"There was this one time that Jimin and Taehyung got into an argument about dumplings. It went on for hours. It got so heated too!" SeokJin laughed.

"Yah. That was years ago," Taehyung defended himself while pouting, "it wasn't that serious."

"But it's still funny," Yoongi said bluntly almost spitting out his drink trying to suppress his laughter.

Taehyung smacked him on the back of his head and the chaos continued.

"Yah! Respect your elders!" Yoongi yelled getting in a catfight with him.

Namjoon pointed at me with his chopsticks, "Yah. We have a guest with us."

Oh, God.

Please stop.

All of them were staring at me noticing my eyes were open wide from observing the chaos for the night.

"It's okay," I laughed "if I'm gonna help manage I'd rather see the real side of you guys sooner than later."

I heard a loud sigh and the sound of a bottle hitting the table next to me.

"I apologize for these 5-year-olds," Mr. Kim hung his head in shame. "You know they're ALL in their 20s. Even the oldest one acts the most childish" Mr. Kim nodded toward SeokJin.

"What? I am so mature compared to these guys," SeokJin directed his head towards the rest of the boys.

Jungkook began smirking like a mischievous child chewing on his pork belly "Said the guy who collects Mario toys."

The whole table broke out into laughter while SeokJin turned an embarrassed red. The sizzle of the meat on the table seemed to mirror the feelings SeokJin felt.

"Yah! A-adults like Mario too! It's not just me!" he started speaking faster but his attempts failed. The boys just ignored his comments and laughed getting back to grab the last few pieces of meat with their chopsticks.

They were different from other groups I've worked for before. It seemed that they were a family, inseparable in their bonds. Bonds that were formed through laughter.

Having a family like that.

It was a dream that made me smile.

"Yah. Why are you laughing too?" SeokJin with furrowed eyebrows seemed hurt at my giggling.

I hoped to defend myself "I'm not laughing at you. I'm laughing with you. Promise" I pointed the bottle of soju at him before pouring it into my cup.

"It's getting late boys. I'm gonna go pay. One of you walk Bo-Ra home. Girls shouldn't walk alone at night," Mr. Kim patted my shoulder and got up to go pay.

"Yah Jin you do it. You said you're the most mature," Jungkook pointed at me and SeokJin with chopsticks eyeing both of us and spoke with a low tone as if the alcohol was slowly getting to him.

What? I-I can walk home perfectly fine on my own. I always walk home alone.

My thoughts didn't come out of my mouth but settled in my brain mocking me.

I reached for my cup of soju before SeokJin interrupted. "Fine, then I'm going to be the gentleman I am" whining like a baby SeokJin grabbed my arm before I could drink it and yanked me out of the restaurant while the boys laughed at him attempting to uphold his mature status.

"Bye Bo-Raaa!" HoSeok waved at me from a distance.

I don't think it worked.


"Where do you live?"

"A few streets down from the studio."

A couple of blocks from my low rent apartment was the goliath Big Hit entertainment. It's not that I couldn't get a nicer apartment but I never felt the need to have anything nicer since I lived on my own.

We walked along the sidewalk in my neighborhood. It was small and quiet with barely any action ever happening in it but every step he took, his red sneakers squeaked and it seemed as if the neighborhood had come to life.

Step after step.

He made eye contact with me, both of us bursting with laughter from the awkward squeaking filling the silent air. He was wearing a white hoodie and blue jeans and his eyes became fixed on the sky above us as the stars started to come out of hiding.

"So how was your first day of work?"

"Interesting. I think I'm going to have my work cut out for me. You guys seem like a fun group" I smiled at the floor.

"Ya. It's a tight little family. We're on the crazy side so bear with us," he stuffed his hands in his pocket and breathed out a mist that seemed to echo in the now-dead silent air.

"I saw that," I lifted my eyes to the sky he was so mesmerized by, "I also saw all the awards in Mr. Kim's office. I guess your crazy side is working to your advantage."

He turned his head towards mine meeting our eyes "They're just awards. Nothing else."

We walked up to the front door of my apartment building and he waved bye, running away towards the studio.

"Goodnight!" I yelled towards him though it seemed he didn't hear in his rush back.

Watch the car leave without him.

I laughed.

I closed the door walking towards my kitchen, picking up my guitar to strum my thoughts away.


You can probably tell who my bias is..haha...but I love all these characters and the story. Thanks for reading!

-xoxo HER the muse <3

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