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I leaned my head back sitting in the chair.

Why am I so tired?

I blinked my eyes rapidly trying to get my vision back to normal.

Is it the contacts? Nah, I've worn these so many times already.

"That's a wrap everyone! Thank you!" the crew all clapped as they wrapped up the 007 Bang episode.

I stared at the ceiling as the sounds of zippers and footsteps silenced thinking of the bed I'd soon be getting in and the amount of sleeping I would have to catch up on.

Stupid nightmares.

"Bo-Ra. Are you alright?" Jimin appeared out of nowhere hovering over me in the chair.

"Oh. Hmm. I'm fine. Just tired I guess," I said while rubbing my eyes.

"Come ooon let's get coffee for everyone. They'll still be here cleaning up," he started jumping and yanking on my arm trying to pull me up.

I lifted my head and looked at him and his big grin.

I can't say no to him. Sigh.

I grabbed my bag and lifted myself up.

"Bo-Ra and I are getting coffee for everyone!" it echoed throughout the mall catching everyone's attention.

"Hey, get me an Americano!" HoSeok yelled from a distance sitting on a couch.

"Me too!" Yoongi added sitting next to him.


It was cold outside with the sky, purple and pink. The sun was setting but the hustle and bustle of the city around us were still burning alive.

Oh no.

I patted my bag realizing I left my wallet in my jacket and my jacket was on the chair.


"Something wrong?" I turned to Jimin.

Did he just read my mind?

"I-I think I left my wallet," I stopped walking.

"It's alright. I can pay. Don't worry," he nudged his heading directing me to go forward.

I ran to catch up with him "Thanks. That's very sweet of you."

"You work hard. You deserve it."

I scoffed, "says the guy whose schedules are always jam-packed! I end up typing up pages and pages worth of just scheduling. I don't think I could last in your shoes."

"You get used to it after a while," his eyes drifted off up to observe the sky.

Our footsteps became synchronized on the concrete pavement walking towards the intersection.

"Do you ever wish you had a normal life?" I blurted out.

"Huh? What do you mean?" he turned his head towards me still walking seeming surprised by my question.

I shook my head "Like people didn't recognize you everywhere you went. You don't have to wear this stupid mask everywhere. You have a regular office job like everyone else. You weren't famous or stressed out all the time. You would-"

"No," he answered abruptly.

"No?" my eyes widen at his response.

"I wouldn't trade my life for anything else in the world. I mean, if I did I wouldn't have the boys by my side for one thing. Can't live without them," he seemed to answer without hesitation meeting my eyes.

"Huh. You guys really are a family," I smiled thinking of the dreamlike things they were a part of.

"They're the reason I'm still here. The Kpop industry is brutal but they make it so much better. They're also the reason I wake up in the morning," he smiled against the purple and pink background. Looking majestic and handsome at the same time.

"Wait. Stay there," I ran and took the camera hanging on my neck and looked through the viewfinder.

A black silhouette against the sunset sky. It was a simple beauty. A beauty that contrasted the ugliness of an idol's life.

"Wow Jimin!" I yelled as he posed running his hand through his pink hair.

"How does it look?" I gave a thumbs-up as I backed up trying to get all of the images.



I heard rapid footsteps and felt the ground around me vibrating.


"Bo-Ra! Watch out!"

I watched through the viewfinder noticing two black silhouettes were there and they were becoming blurry.

One step back and my head started to spin.

What's happening?

Tires screeches. Metal scratching against each other, I felt a pull and everything went black.


This is getting cRAZZYYY. Thanks for reading. Find out what happens next time ;)

-xoxo HER the muse

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