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"Bo-Ra!" Jimin ran towards me snatching me up in a big hug.

Why is he hugging me?

It had been the longest time since I last had a hug like this. Warm and inviting. His pink hair was blinding me. Honestly, it was a lot for me to handle.

"Wow. Don't you look at dashing in your spy uniform," I smiled at him breaking the hug.

This episode of Run BTS! was spy-themed and all the boys were anxiously waiting like kids lining up to get the hottest new video game. Only this time those boys were grown adults.

"Ya, we're gonna be like Kingsman. Or James Bond." HoSeok smoothly placed his sunglasses on and continued on with spy poses until all seven of them followed.

I laughed not knowing whether to encourage these dorks or shake my head in shame. In the corner of my eye, I noticed Mr. Kim saw me near the entrance of the room and waved towards me.

"Evening Mr. Kim!" I said as I walked towards him, my fingers strangling the strap of my over the shoulder bag.

"Bo-Ra, have you gotten in contact with you know who yet?" he whispered to me with his eyes scanning the room from side to side.

"I'm going to have a conference call with them later. I think it will go well," I assured him.

"Ok good. Don't forget to hand them the schedules for tomorrow. Oh and I have just been informed their performance for countdown was rescheduled for next week due to stage tech issues. They have the evening off tomorrow after practice ends. And here," he placed a camera in my hand. One of those professional Canon cameras. It had little BTS character stickers on the bottom. My guess was that the boys put them there.

"What's this for?" I said twisting the cap off the lens.

"I'm going to put you partly in charge of the pictures for their twitter. I want to see what you would do with it. Also, I had this idea from one of my colleagues. Why don't you start a cooking series on twitter as well? Like Jin's old show Eat Jin or some competition-style one. Twitter interaction has been low. Oh, I'll be right back," he waved to the director on the shoot and walked away before I offer a rebuttle.


Have lots of questions first of all! I don't know how to take pictures. Sure, I can edi-

"Cat got your tongue?"

I yelped as SeokJin came from behind me scaring the living crap out of me. He had a big smirk on his face, laughing at my reaction. I turned around ready to punch him in the arm.

"Hey don't scare her away we just got her working for us." Taehyung walked up and stood next to me, patting my head.

Why is he petting me? I'm not the one who acts like a puppy here.

His bow tie was crooked and I reached to fix it while snarking at SeokJin, "do you scare all the staff like that?"

SeokJin laughed and stuffed his hands in the pockets of his pants, "Nope. Just the people who won't tattle on us," he winked.

I rolled my eyes at him, noticing his tie messed up too. I finished fixing Taehyung's bow and patted him, "You boys need to keep yourselves tidy," I walked up to SeokJin fixing his tie. I got really close to him but didn't really notice. I'd always do this for the ASTRO boys since they were very young, even younger than the BTS boys. I finished pushing up his tie and looked up to find his face all red only to tilt my head to the side out of confusion and oblivion.

"Since when did you start carrying a camera around?" Taehyung took the camera from around my neck and looked through the viewfinder.

"Hey isn't this our camera?! Look it's the RJ sticker that I put," SeokJin looked from below to see.

"I got it from Mr. Kim. He wants me to start taking pictures of you guys for twitter more. Which reminds me here's the schedule for tomorrow and your performance for countdown got moved so you have the evening free tomorrow," I handed them the paper packet from my bag.

"Really?" I nodded and boys started rejoicing shaking the ground as they jumped around. The rest of the boys noticed what was happening and joined in on the chaos.

I took out my camera and caught them in a click.

Jumping for joy like that. It must be nice.

Another round of photos and they realized what I was doing.

"Hey, the press is here!" Jungkook pointed at me as they all began their spy poses. For some poses they attempted to look cool and some they failed in that category.

Through the lens, I captured what would become the most liked picture on their Twitter account.


The taping was over and all went well. Screams and laughs were constantly being heard from the escape room. Jimin laughed so hard he fell out of his seat multiple times.

The fans will laugh so much when they see this.

I looked at the history of my camera. A progression of the falling of Jimin with every picture.

Imagine the memes they would make though.

Every picture you could easily tell they were authentically happy. I found it odd how comfortable they were being themselves in front of this many cameras. The life of an idol isn't easy. The standards. The outside opinions. The schedules. The scandals. The sasaengs. I shook as the boys waved to the cameras in the corner of my eye.

Do they ever wish they could just have a normal life? Dating and having a boring office job and getting drunk late at night with friends. I bet all of them haven't even had girlfriends before. What a shame.

I looked back through the viewfinder, standing to the side of the director. The boys walked off set after waving thank you to the camera director.

I noticed Namjoon had walked towards the table of food. I ran trying to meet up with his long-legged strides. I tapped his shoulder.

"Hey, Namjoon. Mr. Kim wants me to start filming something at your dorm. Would that be alright with you guys, if I come over tomorrow? I won't film anything other than the kitchen."

His eyes seemed to focus for a second before answering me "Ya. That sounds like fun. We'll get the house clean just for you," he smiled and patted my shoulder, walking off in a cool demeanor.

I was stunned and confused.

Wow. They're awfully open to having managers at their dorm. Kinda weird.

I noticed the time on my phone and realized "Uh. Mr. Kim! Would you mind if I left the set 10 minutes early? I have to take my nephew somewhere," I walked towards Mr. Kim praying that I wasn't going to be late.

"Sure. You've worked hard. I'll see you at work tomorrow."

"Thank you, Mr. Kim!" I ran towards the door with my bag on my shoulder.

"Where is she going?" SeokJin said from a distance.

Jimin and SeokJin stared off. "No idea."


Where IS she going? You'll see in the next chapter! Thanks for reading!

-xoxo HER the muse <3

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