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I slowly opened the door to my office to find the boys sprawled all over. Jin was sitting in my swivel chair while Hoseok, Jimin, and Taehyung were on my couch. Jungkook and Namjoon were on the floor while Yoongi was leaning against my desk. They were all squished in my little office looking all cozy.

"W-What are you guys doing here?" I asked before closing the door behind me. They all looked at me with anticipation in their eyes. Jin stood up from the chair, "So?" The silence in the air thickened until my words disrupted it.

"I'm not working for you guys anymore."

There were gasps coming from different directions. "But I thought," Jin groaned and rubbed his hands through his hair. "That's not fair. Bo-Ra you can't leave," Jimin was muttering to himself crossing his same as he sunk into the couch.

I couldn't help but smile and laugh a little to which Jin scrunched his eyebrows at me, "Whoever said I was leaving?"

Their heads turned slowly as they all processed my words. "What did you say Noona?" Jungkook said with his mouth slightly open.

I chuckled in amusement, "Say hello to the new member of Big Hit publicity." At the moment the words came out of my mouth, I was bombarded by hugs and became restricted in my breathing. They all eventually let me go except Jin who still was gripping the fabric of my shirt.

I started to pat his shoulder telling him to let me go only to reveal his face plastered with a big smile on his face.

"I'm not going anywhere. Don't worry," I smiled back and squeezed his hand. I leaned my head back and took a look at all seven of them standing there with grins on their faces. It was an unbelievable sight. A warm fuzzy feeling overcame me and I couldn't help but smile.

"Are you guys hungry?"


"Taehyung, open up," Jimin chuckled before stuffing a lettuce wrap into his mouth. His face flinched at the taste of it and he muttered through his chewing, "Why'd you put mushrooms?"

We all surrounded the table of meat on the grill and side dishes scattered everywhere. Hong Joo even came to have dinner with us too. She was sitting next to Yoongi making lettuce wraps for him making sure to add extra meat. They looked so comfortable together. It was adorable.

Namjoon was busy grilling meat before cutting it up. His long fingers could barely have control of the scissors making the meat become cut up into irregular sized pieces. Hoseok took notice of the annoyed look on my face and grabbed the scissors from him.

"Aish. Namjoon," he sighed, "your future wife needs to know how to take care of you."

Taehyung who was sitting next to me began laughing and I laughed along with until I noticed Jin was quiet next to me.

"What's wrong?" I asked nudging him in the shoulder. He lifted his head up and looked at me with concerned eyes. The light of his phone shown in my face and I let out a gasp.

Kim Seokjin from BTS rumored to be in relationship with Big Hit publicity employee.

"How does this stuff get out?" I yelled through my hands that were covering my mouth. Everyone at the table stoped talking mid-chew and turned their heads.

"What's going on?" Namjoon asked reaching over the table and grabbing the phone from Jin's hand.

I sighed and rested my chin in my hand with my elbow on the table, "It was bound to come out anyways. It's not like we could prevent that from happening."

I felt Jin's arm wrap around my shoulders and pull me closer to him, "Don't worry. No one can make me stop being with you. Not even the press." He winked and I felt my face become red.

"Aish. You love birds," Jungkook muttered out, "Now I want a girlfriend!" He hiccuped and began dramatically sobbing as if he were in a drama and sprawled himself on Taehyung's torso.

"You've had way too much to drink," Taehyung shook his head before patting Jungkook's head. I turned to see Jimin now getting a little tipsy himself.

Jin noticed where I was looking and furrowed his eyebrows. "Jimin are you okay?" he asked nudged his head forward.

"Lachimolalaaaaa," he sang out with his hands in the air and his body moving side to side. "Lachimolalaaaaa." We all bursted out laughing echoing throughout the room.

"Just one more," Namjoon began pouring out the soju into the glasses one at a time before passing one to everyone. He raised his glass, "To staying young and together forever!"

"Bangtan forever!"

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