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"Bo-Ra wake up!" my body was shaking.

Just five more minutes.

"Mr. Kim is here!" Jin shook my shoulder with his hands as I tried to turn my body.


We both heaved ourselves up turning to face one another, both our faces in shock.

"Crap. Jin. Get out of here," I climbed out of bed with my arms flailing towards his back pushing him towards the door. He was taller than me and I struggled to push his body weight.

"Wait. What if he's outside the door right now!" he turned to face me. His hair was messy and his face was slightly oily but he still looked as handsome as ever.


"Bo-Ra! Jin! Mr. Kim is still in Namjoon and Jungkook's room. Get out of there before he sees anything!" Jimin was whispering with his head against the door.

I flung the door open and pushed Jin out the door. Before he was fully out he turned and yanked my shoulders toward him smacking a kiss on my lips.

A bright smile glowed on his face, "See you later."

He and Jimin scurried towards their room shutting the door.

I sighed out loud and quietly closed my door.

There's never a quiet day with em.

Knock. Knock.

"Bo-Ra. It's Mr. Kim," he spoke in a cheerful tone.

It's okay Bo-Ra. He still doesn't know.

I opened the door with a cheerful face, "Morning Mr. Kim."

He was wearing a dark blue button-up and tan pants. He seemed more youthful than usual. Probably cause of the light that came through the large glass windows in the hallway.

"Morning Bo-Ra. So what plans do you have today on your day off?"

I stayed behind the door with only my head and shoulder poking out.

"Oh. I'm gonna visit my grandma today. I haven't seen her in a while."

"Ahh. I see. Well, the boys are gonna attempt to visit some spots around LA. Can you let me know where you're gonna be? I'm not sure how this will play out and I don't want them to end the day sadly."

"Like hang with them...?"

"I mean it's not like your grandma would call the press. I thought it was a good idea when Jin suggested it," he rubbed his chin with his fingers.

Damnit Jin. If he actually challenges her his pride is gonna hurt.

"Ahh. I see. Well, my grandma lives in a quiet neighborhood. Plus she loves company. If it comes to that, I'm sure she wouldn't mind," I smiled at the thought of my grandma meeting the boys.

She'd probably pinch Jimin's cheeks to death.

"Arraso. I'm just hoping the boys can actually enjoy the day. They never really get to see the city. People are always so intrusive..." he leaned over putting his hand next to his mouth whispering in a quiet volume.

"Well, I hope they get to see at least some of it..."

He lifted his wrist checking the time, "Ah. Well, I'll go check on the other boys. We better get going. Bye Bo-Ra," he waved off and walked over towards Jin and Yoongi's room.

He knocked "Yah. Boys wake up!"

I closed the door and started getting ready.


I stood in front of the red wooden door, from which hung a wreath of blue flowers.

She always gardened religiously. She would always stop during walks just to admire a tree or a flower that caught her eye and admire its beauty. Then later in the week, that same flower would end up being planted in her backyard.

"Bo-Ra! Come here!" the door swung open to see an older lady wearing a blue sundress that covered her shoulders.

"Halmeoni!" she pulled me into a hug and wrapped me in her arms. I was only a few inches taller than her but she always prevailed in squishing me to her best ability.

She pulled me away to look me up and down, "Yah! You've grown so much! So beautiful too. I still wonder why they don't just make you a kpop idol over there," her hand brushed my cheek.

"Ahh. Halmeoni. I'm not meant for that," I laughed smiling.

"Come in, it's cold," she closed the door behind me as I stepped inside my eyes wandering the walls of her house.

The familiar scent of pie filled my nose. The pictures hanging up on the walls triggered replays of memories in my mind.

My sister's kindergarten graduation.

My own graduation.

There was a picture of her and her husband's wedding but I had always imagined what happened from the stories she always told me. Like a faraway dream. Imagining them dancing to their favorite song by the Beatles. Eating white cake, him dabbing frosting on Halmeoni's face.

"Bo-Ra, did you eat? Aish. You're so skinny come eat," she pulled me into the kitchen filled with brown cabinets and a granite island. On the older side but with some touch-ups.

"Halmeoni. Did you do something to the kitchen? It's so nice," I said while my eyes wandered about and I placed my bag on the island.

With her back facing me she continued rolling out dough on a cutting board, "Ahhh. Yes. Isn't so wonderful? My sweet neighbor did it for me at a discount. Ah. He's the sweetest thing. You should meet him," she winked at me.

"Ahhh. Halmeoni," I laughed," you don't have to worry about me. I'm seeing someone."

She gasped," Bo-Ra! Is he a gentleman? If he doesn't treat my little Bo-Ra- Aish. Let me see a picture."

I showed her the picture I showed Mi-so, "this one," I pointed.

"Aish. Good looking! But is he respectful?" she pointed her rolling pin at me.

I leaned my elbows on the counter with my head in my hands and gave an assuring smile "Don't worry halmeoni. He's very sweet... What are you making?"

"When you told me you were visiting I thought I'd make your favorite."

"Your pocket pies!" I gasped in excitement.

"Yes yes... Bo-Ra why don't you go pick some apples in the back yard for me. 3 please."

"Arraso," I opened the sliding door to the backyard, full of big bushes of roses and rosemary. As I picked them from the tree whooshes of chimes entered my ear. There were wind chimes hanging from a wooden arch.

Their song was like something from a dream. Magical. Controlled by the hand of the wind. In the center-hung a pendant with Mi-so's name.

Sung Mi-so

It almost seemed that she wasn't tangible anymore. Just a beautiful chime that stayed in my ear.

"Bo-Raaaaa!" my grandma's voice echoed to the backyard.

I-Is she okay?

I ran back inside with the bag in my hand, "Halmeoni! A-Are you alright?"

I froze in my tracks.

"Do you know these boys?"

O shit.


Hahah. Next chapter is gonna be funny. Thanks for reading!

-xoxo HER the muse

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