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Where are they? It's getting late...

I sat in my hotel room typing away at my computer. The boys would be arriving today and I had to make sure they got to their rooms properly. My nerves crept up along my back worrying if the press found out where they were staying. The press in America was different than in Korea. Here people didn't know what respect was.

It'll be fine.

I sighed out loud, hearing a buzzing coming from my phone.

Namjoon AKA god of destruction

Here. Where are you?

I picked up my red hoodie and slid on my black converse running towards the elevator.

The elevator dinged open and I peeked my head out towards the main lobby. It was pretty empty except for a few men with cameras taking discreet pictures from far away.

I sighed a breath of relief. Mr. Kim and I had shut our mouths whenever someone asked about the boys' travel arrangements and where they were staying. The only things on our minds were the boys' safety.

"Psst. Guys." I whispered as I crept near the main desk.

"Bo-Ra!" Jimin yelled and snatched me in a hug, with his hat poking my forehead. The rest proceeded to squeeze all around me.

"Can't. Breathe," I muttered out and they released.

"Aish. Sorry," Taehyung patted my head murmuring through his mask.

I made eye contact with Jin but we both knew that the press was lurking behind us.

Then he winked at me and I rolled my eyes hiding a smile.

Aish. What a tease...

"Bo-Raaa! We missed you. No one was there to cook for me," Taehyung was pouting.

"Then learn how to cook," Namjoon interrupted.

My eyes seemed to widen at him.

"Says the guy who can't cook!" his face seemed to turn blank.

"Aish. You guys must be tired," I scratched my hair "I have a bag of snacks in my room for you guys."

"Ah. Really?" HoSeok seemed to wake up, "Did you get my favorite jerky?"

I winked at him, "Yes sir!"

He jumped up and flung his arm around Yoongi, who seemed dead tired.

"Yah. Yoongi sleep more. You look like a zombie. Or is it that you miss Hong Joo," HoSeok teased.

Yoongi grabbed his beanie and pulled it over his face trying to hide the fact that he was blushing.

"Oh. Guys. Here are your room keys," I pulled seven identical red cards out of my pocket.

They all crowded around them in a circle.

"How do we know who's sharing a room?" Yoongi muttered scratching his head.

"I don't know. That's for you guys to find out," I grinned, "pick a card any card! Whatever room it opens is yours. There's two or three to a room. It's up to chance to decide who you're sharing a room with tonight."

"Aish. Bo-Ra. You're making this into an episode of Run BTS!," Jungkook groaned.

"Choosing rooms is boring," I pouted.

One by one they picked a card and stuffed them in their pockets.

"And don't lose them. I'm looking at you Namjoon," I pointed my stern finger at him.

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