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"Is oma gonna be okay?"

My heart skipped a beat at the sound of his voice. Jae Chan and I were walking in the hallway on our way to visit Mi-so. The doctor had said that Mi-so didn't have much time left but didn't know exactly how much. Her health kept fluctuating. And so did my nerves.

I looked down at him wearing his favorite blue puffer jacket with two lollipops in his hand. One red. The other yellow.

"I don't know Jae Chan. We can only hope for the best," I squeezed his hand.

I took a deep breath and unlocked the door.

"Hiya oma!"

"Morning my Jae Chan!"

Jae Chan climbed up on her bed to give her a hug and give her the yellow lollipop. But she raised her hands to close Jae Chan's open hand that held them.

"Thank you but I'm not hungry sweetie. Why don't you give it to Bo-Ra?"

A disappointed look on Jae Chan's face appeared.

"But we always have lollipops together..."

"I know. Just not today..." she turned her head towards me standing near the bed "Bo-Ra did you mail the papers I gave you?"

"Ya. It's taken care of."

"When you go on your trip, take care of your self. Alright?"

"Shouldn't I be the one telling you that?"

She scoffed and smiled, "I'm still your big sister..."

Jae Chan continued to quietly suck on his red lollipop, the yellow one in his other hand. He kept his eyes down looking at the bed. Mi-so looked at him and ran her fingers through his hair.

"You're staying with Hong Joo, right?"

Jae Chan nodded his head.

"Bo-Ra. When you go on your trip, give Halmeoni a hug for me. And get her pie recipe while you're there. I miss her baking."

"I will. Don't worry."

"How's your Jin?" she smirked at me. Her eye bags had gotten deeper.

"Aish. I already told you everything."

"Arasso. Just be safe on your trip when you're with him," she winked.


I put my hands up to my face. I turned all red and hot at the thought of it.

"H-Hong Joo!" I put my hands over Jae Chan's ears.

"I'm just kidding," she smiled a brightness that calmed me.

Still smiling huh?

I felt a buzzing in my pocket to see a text message from Jin.

Have a safe flight. See you soon <3

Attached was a picture of the boys...

"Who's that?" Mi-so tried looking up

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"Who's that?" Mi-so tried looking up.

"The boys. The middle one is Jin," I held my phone up.

"Wow. So good looking. My sister really hit the jackpot," she smiled and looked back at Jae Chan.

"Mi-so I have to go. My flight is in a few hours."

"Arasso. Be safe okay. I'll see you later" she pulled me into a tight hug I never wanted to let go.

"Bye Jae Chan," I ruffled my hands in his hair.

I looked down to see he held out his little hand with the yellow lollipop still in it.


I picked it up and I walked out, bag on my shoulder and Mi-so's lollipop in my hand.


I want a lollipop. Keep reading. Thank you <3

-xoxo HER the muse

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