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"Oma! Where are you going?"

There was a little girl standing in the doorframe crying out her heart and behind her stood a young girl with straight black hair with a stern face, full of hatred and remorse.

"Mi-so will take care of you. Alright?" the lady in front of her knelt down to kiss her on the forehead before grabbing the luggage next to her.

But her feet seemed stuck to the floor as were her eyes now on the young girl.

"Just go," the young girl scoffed and pulled the little girl closer to her by her shoulders whose crying turned into wheezing and hiccups.

The lady reached out her hand until the young girl smacked it away, "Just go! Be with that son of a bitch! We don't need you!"

"Mi-so," her hand retracted back to her side. Her eyes were big but they were not wet. They were cold dry.

The young girl fought through her tears "if Appa were here he would be ashamed to have ever let you into our lives."

The lady straightened her shoulders and scowled "well he isn't here, is he."

"Goodbye girls," and with that, she carried her luggage and threw it in the trunk of a car with a man in the front driver's seat. In the distance, the neighbors were looking. A little girl and her grandma whose gaze shifted to the now lonely girls in the doorframe and stayed there for what felt like an eternity.

The young girl's grip on the little girl's shoulders intensified and she turned her around getting on the ground to meet her at eye level, "Bo-Ra. We'll always stick together. Got it?" she raised her hand showing her pinky and locked it with the little girl's, "Partners in crime." The young girl's tears seemed to float away and a smile appeared and stuck there for the rest of time.

Suddenly an invisible force yanked the young girl out of the doorframe into the cold outside, just as were the lady had been. The door slammed creating a gust of wind that blinded the little girl. She ran up to the door trying to turn the handle banging her fist on the door.


Her cries engulfed the now empty room and her little fist started bleeding.

"Mi-so come back!"


She dropped to the floor.



I woke up in a sweat. My breathing heavy. I opened my eyes to see the ceiling and in the corner of my eye the bottom of the coffee table. The sun still hadn't risen.

Why am I on the floor?


I turned my head to see an empty bottle on its side next to me.

I got to stop drinking so much.

I sat myself up digging my hands into the blanket that was messily laid on top of me.


I lost to gravity. I had fallen asleep on the couch and rolled off in my fit of night terrors.

How many years later and now you want me to find out?

I picked myself up again to sit up and saw a silhouette on the couch across from mine. I squinted through my contact lenses.

My head hurts too much for this.

I tried to stand up and walk towards the fridge but I lost to gravity again. I crashed on the floor creating a banging sound, my head spinning.

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