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"What are we doing here?"

He led me into the empty recording studio and into the recording booth closing the door behind us. Letting go of my sleeve he walked to the back picking up a wrapped box. It was wrapped with polka dot paper with BTS stickers scattered all over it.

"What's this for?" I said as I sat on the floor leaning against the wall separating the studio from the booth.

"Open it," he plopped himself down next to me on my right side resting his arm on his knee.

Ripping up the paper and opening the box my hands started to slow down once I noticed what it was.

It was a new camera.

"Your old one broke. We decided to get you your own. Just don't break it," he laughed.

I turned my head to him. He was smiling softly with his eyes directed on my lap but now they were on me. I smiled back.

God. His smile could make time stop. I swear.

I looked underneath the camera seeing the RJ tiny stickers and a tiny message written in thin silver Sharpie.

Bo-Ra. We purple you. Thank you for being the greatest sister ever.

Your boys ~ BTS ~

"Thank you," a smile crept up on my face, "This calls for a celebration," I got up and ran to the mini-fridge.


I waved the bottle of peach-flavored soju as I sat back down.

Let's get rid of this headache.

We both swigged the bottle one after another till it was gone. Like a pendulum, we couldn't stop talking back and forth. Talking about random things. Like our favorite colors, embarrassing child hood stories, about how he wanted to be an actor at first, arguing about whose japchae was better. An occasional bad dad joke popped up that I couldn't help laugh at.

It was natural. Comfortable. In the end a taboo.

"My dad is the CEO of a company so hearing that his kid wanted to become an actor didn't really stick with him at first."

"But if you wouldn't be happy being a businessman, what's the point of it all?"

"That's what I said! It all worked out in the end, didn't it?" he teased nudging my shoulder.

I turned to look at him.

"Ya, Mr. Car Door Guy really stole everyone's hearts didn't he?" I laughed taking a drink of the soju.

"And Ms. Bo-Ra over here is promoting everyone in America! I can't believe we're gonna be on American television. It seems like yesterday the boys and I were struggling to get anyone to listen to us," he began examining the ceiling above us.

"You've worked harder than anyone else I've worked with before. You guys deserve all of it. So when you become even more famous don't forget who helped you out," I teased pointing my finger at myself.

"You're coming on the trip, right?" he grabbed the bottle from my hand examining to see if there was any left.

"Ya. Of course. Plus I speak English better than all of you guys combined. You might end up in the wrong hotel if I'm not there," I laughed at the thought of it.

He choked on the soju. "How long have you been speaking English?"

"Since I can remember. I hung out at Hong Joo's house a lot. Her grandma made us learn it," my head got heavier and I swung my eyes towards him.

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