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They're so loud sometimes.

"Hey J-Hope!! I don't have any hearts! I lost them all!" Jimin yelled as he ran trapping HoSeok in a hug.

Today was the filming for Run BTS! 007 Bang and the boys were running around the entire mall looking for cards. Every so often the boys would well about how they had no cards. I could tell who was lying.

"Jin-hyung gave me a rigged card!" Jimin's poor little cry made me want to tell him there was a card right behind him but I swallowed my urge while getting back to my tablet overlooking the schedule for the upcoming few months.

The Late Late Show with James Cordon.


I circled them on my list adding dates near it.

I can't wait to tell them. Once they're on these shows they're going to be unstoppable. Time to take over America.

I laughed at my conscience in my seat as Jimin waved to grab my attention.

"Hey! Bo-Ra! Where did the crew put them?" he whispered from a distance.

"I don't know go find them! That's the whole point of the game!" I waved him off flailing my arm towards him.

He ran away faster than before as the voice on the com system echoed that time was running out.


"Bo-Ra, can I talk to you for a second?" I turned to see Mr. Kim standing behind me pointing his head to the doors that lead outside.

I nodded nervously "Oh. Of course."


It wasn't hot but it wasn't cold. The sky was covered in a blanket of clouds refusing to let the sun out.

"I know we don't have all the dates for the trip but you know the general length of how long we'll be in America. I was wondering if you would like to come on the trip. However, I also know you're situation regarding you taking care of your nephew and all."

Back to America. We would be going back to LA. 


It would give me an excuse to see her. But what about Jae Chan?

I couldn't just leave him, alone. And what if something happened to Mi-so while I'm gone? What if-

"You don't have to answer now," Mr. Kim held up his hands with an assuring smile, "But Bo-Ra, it would look good for your long term career and I think the boys would like for you to come too. You've worked with them for a while now. They're really attached to you."

He's right. It's going to be a milestone for them. It's not like I want to miss it.

They've worked so hard, of course, I want to see them conquer America.

"Mr. Kim I'll go," I said hesitantly.

His smile widened and his arms flailed in the air "Really?! That's grea-"

"It'll only be for about two weeks. Right?" I said interrupting his celebration.

"Yes. Bo-Ra if you change your mind just come talk to me. Okay?"

"Will do," I smiled and bowed towards him unsure if I had made a good choice. He patted my shoulder as he walked inside stuffing his hands in his pockets. But then my thoughts became stuck like a record player again.

This won't be a mistake. 


Will it be a mistake? Who knows? Find out next chapter! 

-xoxo HER the muse

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