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"That's not fair. I would have liked to be a part of the sleepover," Taehyung was pouting and leaning against the kitchen counter as I pulled out the plastic containers of food stacking them on top of one another.

I had packed a whole tub of haejangguk with the thought that they probably had only had take out for who knows how many months.

I leaned over the counter to get closer to him "Have you eaten yet?"

"Well," he scratched the side of his head "I had an apple."

I sighed and looked up at him. His hair was damp, probably cause of a shower but his eyes were dismal as if they hadn't been woken up for decades.

"That's not breakfast," I pointed my finger proceeding to open the cabinets to look for a pan. I got to work cooking him up an egg, heating up the haejangguk, and putting it in a bowl with some rice and a side of kimchi.

"Eat up," the plate slid in front of him.

With every bite, his smile grew and grew to reveal his white teeth gleaming with satisfaction.

"I haven't this nice of a meal in a while," he gave a soft laugh.

Taehyung was lost in his meal as Yoongi's footsteps echoed throughout the kitchen. He was drying his white hair with a towel, dragging his feet on the floor.

"You feeling better?" I directed my eyes towards him, not anticipating any response.

He walked to the fridge and began murmuring with his head in the fridge.

"Ya. Tell your friend I'm sorry about my acting up yesterday," he closed the door turning his head to me, "could you also ask her to send me that playlist I was listening to? It was kinda nice..."

I saw a small smirk on his face as he walked away.

"What was that about?" Taehyung looked up from his plate.

"He fell asleep listening to my friend's playlist last night. She does have good music taste," I sipped water from my glass.

"Then he's probably falling for her."

I choked on my water, whipping away the drops from the corner of my mouth.

"W-What did you say?"

"He's probably falling for her," he munched through his food "I've never seen him that giddy mentioning a girl. Hyung's always said he wants a girl with good music taste too. Who knows?" he continued to chew on the kimchi in his mouth, both of us staring in the direction he had walked.

Hong Joo and Yoongi?

She is definitely girlfriend material but wow. That's her dream. That would be so cute!


Reality and dreams are two sides of the same coin. It's one or the other.

And for people like me and Hong Joo, the coin was completely stuck to the ground with reality face up staring straight at us.

I snapped myself out of my disheartening yet lingering thoughts.

"I'll meet you guys at the shoot. Don't be late," I said grabbing my bag and walking towards the front door.

"Bye Bo-Ra! Thanks for breakfast" Taehyung echoed with his deep voice waving his hand at me.

Breathe Bo-Ra.



I kept my head down, walked anxiously, and suddenly walked into Jin head-on. We collided, the top of my head hitting his chin and the rest of me squishing against his chest. We repelled like a ball bouncing off a wall, only this time the ball stopped rolling away. His hand grabbed onto my arm as we were both startled by how close we were together. He was probably three or four inches taller than me, looking down at me and me looking up. His ears were red.

"U-h. H-hey klutzy," he stuttered, "you okay?"

"Uh-uh. Photo-uh-shoot," I blurted pushing myself off him ducking my head covering my read face.

Don't be stupid Bo-Ra. Just forget about it.


Now I want breakfast. See you all next chapter ;)

-xoxo HER the muse

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