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"Namjoon, that's not how you cut onions..." I looked to my side in disappointment. 

He was attempting to cut the onion without cutting it in half, also forgetting to rip off the skin. We were all cooking dinner. Jin cooking his japchae on the stove behind me and Yoongi and Jungkook attempting to grill meat. Taehyung, HoSeok, and Jimin watched as they sat on the counter trying not to disturb them with their nonexistent cooking skills. 

"How do you cut an onion then?" he looked at me in confusion.

"Oh Namjoon," I sighed sliding the cutting board towards me taking over. 

I began to chop the onion up into little slivers. 

"Hey, Namjoon. Try this," Jungkook lifted the piece of meeting over my shoulder reaching over me. Namjoon got a bite of it but bumped me in the process.


My middle finger's skin was red and everyone's faces were white.

"Shit. Bo-Ra I'm so sorry. I-," Namjoon fumbled through his words as his hands went up to cover his mouth.

"It's okay, Namjoon. It's not your fault," I felt a pull on my arm.

Jin yanked me over towards him and wrapped a towel around my hand, looking flustered.

"Be more careful, klutzy," he pulled my hand over to the sink, turning on the faucet as I flinched from pain.

"Does it hurt?" he looked at me with puppy eyes.

"I'm fine Jin," I spoke softly trying to calm him down.

"Yah. Get a room you two," Jungkook laughed out loud chewing on the meat sitting on the counter with his legs dangling.

My face snapped pink.

"Y-yah! Why don't you and Taehyung get a room?" Jin blurted.

"Okay!" Jungkook jumped onto Taehyung's back, piggyback riding him around the kitchen. 

They were all laughing as Namjoon attempted to cut onions again this time copying what I was doing earlier and I grinned. 

"Yah! Don't be so uptight," I nudged my head smiling and looking at Jin, "I'm fine."

I slowly pulled my hand away from him. 

Stop it Bo-Ra. Take a reality check.

"Yoongi, put on some music. Let's bring up the mood," HoSeok took a sip of his soda and sighed out of refreshment.

Yoongi walked over to his laptop, hooked it up to the speaker, and hit play.

I know this song...

After wrapping the band-aid on my finger, I walked over to Yoongi and hovered over his shoulder. 

"Yoongi is this playlist of who I think it is...?" my eyes were focused on the screen.

He turned around with startled eyes open "W-what?"

I pushed him to the side as I reached for the laptop him stumbling away.


Collab #2

"Yoongi...have you and Hong Joo been making playlists together?"

His face went pink and he scratched his white hair unsure of what to say next.

"Yoongi has a girl?!" HoSeok jumped up on top of him putting him in a headlock. 

The boys jumped up and crowded the laptop all of us on top of one another.

Yoongi just muttered under his breath, "We've just been suggesting songs to each other..."

"And talking! Look at all the conversations in the comments next to the playlist," Jin pointed out at the screen. 

They were talking about their favorite artists, food, sneakers, embarrassing childhood stories. Yoongi had a taste of being noticed as a person rather than an idol by someone other than the boys or his managers.

"Yaaah, Yoongi. I didn't know my hyung had moves," Taehyung scrolled and looked over his shoulder back at Yoongi grinning with his box smile. 

"I-I don't have moves. She's just really easy to talk too," Yoongi spoke softly trying to keep his emotions in check as he waved his finger at the screen.

"Yah! Hurt Hong Joo and I hurt you," I straightened my shoulders and pointed my fingers at my eyes and then at him.

Jungkook slid a plate of grilled meat on the counter "Meat's done!" 

We all ate around the counter each with a bowl of stew, japchae, meat, and sides. The boys would occasionally feed each other and laugh. They were happy, cracking jokes about Yoongi's bad date ideas, Namjoon's ability to break everything except the skin of an onion, HoSeok's nonexistent ability to survive on an island alone, and how Jungkook, Jin, Jimin, and Taehyung were stuck sharing a single room that night. 

That night the moon was full in all it's glory and I had forgotten what it was like to be alone.


Keep reading ;) I appreciate it <3

-xoxo HER the muse

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