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"Do you know these boys?"

The door was open to show all of them grinning standing outside.

"Hi Bo-Ra!" HoSeok gave a big smile looking at me. Halmeoni stood there in shock as she stood there staring at Jin. Jin stared back nervously and back at me.

"Ahhh. Halmeoni these are the boys I work with," I nervously walked up to the door, "You wouldn't mind the company would you?" I looked at her straight in the eye.

She waved her arms "Aigooo. Of course not. Friends of Bo-Ra are friends of mine."

The boys walked in and I stopped Namjoon by his arm and began whispering to him, "I'm assuming sightseeing didn't go well."

He shook his head and sighed, "the minute we got there the press came. Got too overwhelming." His eyes were distressed and disappointed but he kept his head up.

"I'm sorry Namjoon."

"It's alright. I feel more at home here," he smiled.

"Aigoo. This one's adorable," she began pinching Jimin's cheeks without hesitation.

Jimin smiled and bore the pain "Ahh. Halmeoni. Thank you for having us."

"Of course. Did you all eat yet? You all look so tired," she began walking towards the kitchen waving in her direction. My feet started moving until I felt a yank on my arm.

"Why was your grandma staring at me like that?" Jin stared at me nervously, his hands still clung onto my arm.

I placed my hand on his hands, "Ahh. She knows about us. There's no reason to be nervous," I cupped his face with my hands, "Remember I told you she's a sucker for dad jokes."

He smiled and leaned in to kiss me gently while his hands softly brushed my arms and my hands still cupped his face.


We broke our kiss to see my grandma standing a few away from us with the boys giggling behind her.

"Aigooo. You love birds. Is this the famous Jin I've heard about?" she walked towards us and my heart began beating faster and my palms got sweatier.

"Ah. Yes. I'm Jin. It's very nice to meet you. You raised an amazing granddaughter," he spoke nervously and bowed to her.

A smile grew on her face and she dropped her protective grandma facade, "Ahhh. What a gentleman. Take care of my Bo-Ra would ya?" he tapped the side of his face with her palm.


In the corner of my eye, the boys were still giggling at us and I gave them a hard stare.

Aish. They're really gonna get it later.

"Come on. Let's go eat. Anyone who leaves this house with an empty stomach is a disgrace to me," she yanked Jin's arm towards the kitchen along with the other boys.

She started to make pastries with them around the counter, teaching them how to fold the pastries or at least tried.

"Namjoon your pastry is..." she lifted it up to her eyes, "ahh. It looks like a moon," she laughed.

Namjoon frowned as she patted him on his shoulder, "Be proud of your work. Aish."

Jimin raised his up," What about mine?"

"Wow. It's a heart how adorable," she began pinching his cheeks again covering his cheek in flour.

Walking over to the counter I patted her arm "Halmeoni. You'll rip his cheek off."

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