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I looked down to the floor to eye my red converse. My feet were refusing to move and my heart refused to stop pounding as well. I was standing in front of the door to Mr. Kim's office about to face all the consequences at once. One big giant slap in the face. In the back of my mind were Jin's words replaying.

"I told him everything we discussed but he just looked at me dead silent. All he said is he would think about it. Don't worry. Everything will be fine."

"Everything will be fine."

Are you sure about that?

I took a deep breath but there was still a tightness in my chest, as I heaved open the glass door. Mr. Kim sitting in his chair turned his head towards me, his eyes following my every movement silently. He sat up causing the squeaking from the chair to echo in the silent room gesturing me to sit in one of the black chairs and him sitting across from me. We sat there in a deafening silence though it seemed as if my heart was beating louder than anything else.

"Bo-Ra," he spoke up slouching supporting himself up with his elbows on his knees, "what do you see over there?" He spoke firmly with not a waver in his voice pointed towards his desk.

My eyes drifted towards where he was pointing as I held my stomach with my arm, "your stack of papers?" I turned my head back to him.

"Yes," his eyes were glued to the tower that was tall but strong, "that's the boys' right there whole world right there." He shook his finger towards it and nodded his head in sync.

My eyes darted between him and the papers, confused as I had ever been, "I'm sorry. What?" I said raising my eyebrows. He sighed and turned his head back to me before fixing his glasses, "Why do you think I hired you?"

His comment shot me and I froze stuttering through my comments, "B-Because I have connections? B-Because I've worked with other companies befo-"

"Ani," he interrupted me with his voice and a shake of his head, "the boys have this youth-like glow to them. Don't you think? And you," he pointed at me with his finger, "I knew you were the only person going to be able to have a hold on it." He leaned back in his chair lifting his head as if he were pondering on youthful memories of his own, "now it was never my plan for you to start dating one of them but young love. What can you do?" he laughed and waved his arms before crossing them.

His commented startled me and I straightened my shoulders as well as the pride I had left, "Mr. Kim-"

"Let me finish," he interrupted. "The boys have always had to depend on each other. The one thing they knew they could put into one another was trust. The other managers I've seen," he paused and shifted his eyes toward me, "treated their groups like the inanimate object they used just to get money from. But with you things were different. I haven't seen the boys care this much for another person who wasn't in their little group before."

After a few seconds of silence, I couldn't help but speak, "Mr. Kim, my actions lately have been unprofessional and completely unaccepta-"

"Did I say you could talk? Aigoo," he breathed out shifting his eyes back towards the papers on his desk, "they've gotten happier with you around. But one little act can topple it all to the floor, isn't that right?" he shifted his eyes back at me observing if my brain had pieced the puzzles together. "You're very lucky I've kept this from the press for so long. I mean the little shows that you and the boys would put on in the hotel always gave me a laugh."

"I-I'm sorry. What?" my eyes widen as I leaned forwards toward trying to comprehend what he just said.

"What?" he raised his eyebrow, "you think I didn't notice you all sneaking around running between rooms. You all need to step up your game," he snarked at my naive tendencies.

I lowered my voice and unclenched my stomach "You knew all along?" He flung his arms, "Of course I knew. I'm not that old to know how your brain works," he sighed and leaned back in his chair. "I know things have not been good for you lately with," he waved his hand, "you know. But Bo-Ra as much as I love having you around, seeing you make the boys happier and the boys make you happier this whole..." he shook his head at me in disappointment.

I felt a lump in my throat and I nodded back before I sat up from my chair and bowed before him, "Thank you for everything Mr.Kim." I raised myself up with tears leaking out of my eyes walking towards the door planning to go say goodbye to the last little bit of family I had. I thought I was gonna be able to fight and win but this whole situation snapped me out of my daydream.

As I was halfway out the door his voiced echoed in my ear, "Bo-Ra where do you think you're going?" I turned around to see him standing straight up with his finger pointing at me. I spoke through my sniffles, "To go pack my office. I'm not their manager anymore..."

"Since when did I say you're not their manager?"

"Huh?!" I tried drying my tears with the sleeves of my sweater, "W-What do you mean?" He sighed while his mouth curved into a smile, "Well actually you're not their manager anymore. That's off the table. For sure. For the safety of the boys and yours," he shook his hands and my eyebrows furrowed out of confusion.

"But that doesn't mean I'm letting you out of their lives," he began to explain a new position for publicity for the overall company. He had been impressed with my activity on their Instagram and twitter going on to say that even if I wasn't going to be by their side 24/7 like usual I'd still be here at the company supporting them and still have a job. As for the press, well that was always going to inevitable but it wasn't going to be as big a scandal as before. I'd just be a girl working in publicity for the company as a whole with no official affiliation with BTS. With every word he spoke came a tear that I wiped away. I had felt so relieved to know not only could I still support Jae Chan but I still keep the boys as my family.

I breathed out a sighed of relief as he sat down next to me patting my shoulder, "I knew what it's like to be young and free once. Hold on to it Bo-Ra..."

After finally drying my tears I thanked him and bowed before walking away with a warm feeling in my chest. With my foot halfway out the door, he stopped me with his voice, "Bo-Ra." I turned around to see him with his head tilted to the side with his eyes squinted.

"Who's Hong Joo?"

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