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"Or at least I thought that's what happened. A car honked at you and all of a sudden Jin-hyung appeared out of nowhere and yanked you by your arm towards him. Both of you landed on the ground unconscious," he murmured with his head low.

My heart stopped beating and my face went white.

"Jesus Christ Jimin! Never phrase anything like that again!" I shook him by the shoulders trying to knock the common sense out of him.

"Yah Bo-ra! Take it easy on him. He's just as startled as you!" HoSeok comforted me while pushing my hands off his shoulders.

"Sorry...I'm still processing everything right now."

I felt Taehyung's hand rub my arm, trying to calm me down.

Jimin looked up a little more composed "HoSeok and I carried you guys here. Matter of fact the ER was surprisingly only a block away."

"I-is Jin okay?" I whispered lost in my thoughts

"We don't know. We haven't heard anything yet. Only that you just passed out from fear. Something bout high blood pressure and oxygen. I don't really know," he rubbed the back of his head.

This is all my fault. He got hurt because of me. My fault.

I felt something in my throat choking me up. My vision got blurry.

"Bo-Ra, don't cry. You've been through enough already," HoSeok quieted his voice to a soft whisper.

A pack of tissues was stuffed into my hands by Taehyung. It had pokemon on it.

I smiled unconsciously.

I looked up from the ground to see my camera on the chair that HoSeok was sitting in. The glass lens was smashed.

"Oh. Ya. Your camera broke too..." Jimin's voiced trailed off.

I walked over to the chair grabbing the camera with my sleeve covered hands.

Taehyung's voiced echoed about to grab and pull me away "Careful! There might be loose glass-"

"It's alright. I just need this," I said popping out the SD card.


I flinched looking to see a nurse pointing at me with her finger.

Uh Oh.

"What are you doing out of bed? Come back with me. The doctor needs to sign you off before you're out sweetie."

I felt the pressure of her hands against my back, my feet sliding against the floor. "Hey! Let me know if Jin's okay."

They all gave a thumbs-up back to me.


"You sure you don't feel any pain around your head and or neck area?"

"I'm sure," I sighed out of frustration.

"From I was told, it didn't look as if you hit your head on the concrete but if you feel any dizziness or imbalance you have to go to your doctor to get it checked out. Understand?"


I just want to get out of here.

"Let me guess...you faint at the sight of blood or needles."


"Were you lightheaded anytime today?"

"I think so," I shook my head "I-I don't know."

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