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"So you're telling me you almost got hit by a car?!"

"Ya. At least that's what I was told. I don't really remember everything."

Hong Joo was sitting on the floor in between the wooden coffee table and the couch I was laying on. Her laptop's screen lit up her face as she scrolled through the news articles.

Mr. Kim had given me the day off and here I was sulking in my own embarrassment.

"Wow. My best friend's life was saved by an idol and she can't even remember it. That's a shame."

"I wish he wouldn't have saved me. I'm all over the news now," I groaned.

"Kim SeokJin of BTS saves pedestrian from intersection accident. Hah! You're lucky they blurred out your face or else- Bo-Ra! Oh my god look at this!"

I propped myself up, hovering over her shoulder.


It was a picture of me and Jin. Both of us on the ground. His arms were wrapped around me, both of us passed out. My face turned red like a tomato and my hands were warm as I cupped my cheeks.

I shrieked.

"Why are you so upset? I find this kinda funny," she murmured as she stuffed her mouth with popcorn.

I'm gonna be the most hated girl in the world.

"Hong Joo! Fans are going to find out who I am and suspect that I'm some sort of saesang. Or worse they'll find out I'm their manager! This is supposed to be a secret."

I threw myself back on the couch sighing in regret and frustration.

"Assitant manager!" she threw popcorn behind me landing on my lap and my face. She continued.

"Bo-Ra, fans shouldn't be upset that their idols have females that work for them let alone be friends with them. There are plenty of other females that work for them too! Idols should be allowed to talk to, be friends with, or date whoever they want. They're humans too," she continued to munch on.

"Ya tell that to the possessive fans around the world. One mention of a female and a BTS member and you're screwed," I stared at the ceiling letting my conscience spill out into words.

"Ok. Well, your face is blurred out so it'll be more difficult to find out who you ar-"

"Mi-so called me telling me she knew it was me."

She turned with a surprised look on her face "What? How?!"

"The shoes..." I rolled over and pointed at my red converse that had doodles in Sharpie all over them.

"PSShtt," she shook her head and waved her arm "There are lots of people who doodle on their shoes. I still don't see what's wrong if everyone finds out that you work for them. You're really good at your job. You're young, successful and you work hard. So what if people think you have a relationship with one of-- Oohh I kinda see where you're coming from!"

"No kidding. Remember when that news article came out claiming Taehyung was eating lunch alone with a girl. Everyone went crazy. In end, it wasn't even a girl! It was a boy with long hair. Like why the heck are people so crazy?!" I flailed my arms in the air.

"Well as long as this doesn't escalate anymore. You need to be careful though. You're going to America with them. Cameras are gonna be everywhere! But as long as you keep it professional everything will be fine."

I breathed.

Everything will be fine. Everything will be fine.

"I mean it's not like you have that kind of relationship with any of them," she said getting up to throw away her popcorn bag.

Big brown eyes. Broad shoulders. Cheesy jokes and hair dark as-

"Ya. I-I don't," I stuttered after realizing who popped into my train of thought.


"You stuttered," Hong Joo's eagle eyes aimed at me ready to catch her prey in the act. Her running and hovering over me startled my little heart.

"I-I didn't stutter," I curled up into the couch.

"Uh. Yes, you did missy. Spill. Now," her finger pointed at me.

"I don't like him. But I also don't not like him...." I looked away from her.

"You are spilling straight nonsense. Bo-Ra do you have feelings for him?" she crouched down next to me as I covered my eyes with my arm from embarrassment.

"He just popped up in my mind. Don't think much about it," I waved my hand pushing her face away.

"Oh no Bo-Ra!! I am torn. On the one hand, I want you to finally have a boyfriend but on the other hand, he's Kim SeokJin from BTS. Gah," she plopped down on the floor as we both sat in silence.

My eyes were still stuck on the ceiling observing how smooth the white paint was, "this has never happened to me before. I've always been quiet, professional, and done my job in peace with my mouth shut. These boys are just... different."

She sighed and shook her head in shame as she leaned her back against the coffee table, "Just be careful Bo-Ra. You don't want to do something you're gonna regret."

I sighed and rolled over on my sighed to face her "Wait. What were you trying to say about my love life?"

"Well. Uh. I mean you haven't had a boyfriend since high school and you are the total package," she grinned at me.

"Hong Joo!" I smacked her on her shoulder.

"From what you've told me and what I've seen he is very caring towards you and funny. You've seemed happier lately since you started working for them," she nodded as her thoughts rolled out. She jumped up running to the fridge to pick out a bottle of soju.

Peach. My favorite.

"But Bo-Ra he's also an idol and you know the life of an idol comes with its low points. Come on. Let's just drink this away," she said twisting the cap.

She's right.

The brighter the light that's shown on the person, the darker the shadow behind them.


Is that a shadow reference I see? ;) I have a bunch of mini references to their albums and other stuff... Try and see if you can find them. Thanks for reading!

-xoxo HER the muse

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