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(A/N: the song attached above is mentioned within the story...it's really pretty to listen to it while reading it... I suggest pressing play when the time comes)


"Who's that?"

Hong Joo and I turned our heads to the door as the knocking continued. It was rapid, echoing urgency and help.

"Did you invite anyone over?" I turned my head to look at her.

She shrugged her shoulders "Why would I invited someone to your apartment at 12 o clock at night?"

I got up slowly stepping towards the door as Hong Joo hid behind me.

"Hey! It's us! Open up!"


I unlocked the door without hesitation and swung it open to find Jin, Jungkook, Jimin and Yoongi all crouched down breathing heavily.

"Wha-what are you guys doing here?" I asked in disbelief.

They ignored my question running through the door, closing it and locking it.

"Is anyone gonna answer me?!" my eyes followed them and their movements.

Jimin and Yoongi dropped to the floor as they leaned against my fridge. They didn't stop wheezing so I assumed they were running away from something... or someone.

"Barbecue...press...found...ran" Jungkook gasped for air trying to explain the chaos as he placed himself on the chair in the kitchen.

"So, the press found you while you were eating dinner so you guys ran HERE?" I pointed towards the air around me.

"I remember you lived here and the studio was closed. It was either run all the way back to the dorm or here. And we drove here from the dorm so," Jin gasped for air trying to sit next to Jimin. I saw him clenching his knee.

Intersection injury.

I felt a tapping on my shoulder triggering my brain to remember Hong Joo was there. She was shaking. The boys she always swooned over were 10 feet away from here. I couldn't tell if she was gonna pass out or scream.

"Guys. This is my friend Hong Joo," she bowed while brushing her hair behind her ear. But she was also clearly drunk.

Red as a tomato.

"So where's the rest of you? Don't tell me they got kidnapped by the press," I said crossing my arms leaning forwards.

"They ran the other direction towards the car. We have no idea where they are," Yoongi's breathing came back to normal but they were all still shaky.

"Aish. You guys never get a break," I shook my head in disappointment.

"Well, stay as long as you want. We were just drinking so if you want some help yourself and also try to be quiet cause-."

The creaking of the bedroom door interrupted my monologue.

"Mr. Jimin!" Jae Chan's tiredness vanished within a second as he ran in his pokémon PJs and landed on Jimin's lap.

"Jae Chan! How's my little rascal?" Jimin ran his hand through Jae Chan's hair.

"Ah. Jimin's son...hello! Do you remember uncle Jungkook?" Jungkook laughed out loud leaning over the back of the chair.

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