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"Hiya Bo-Ra!"

"Oh! Hong Joo. What's up?"

It was almost 11 pm when Hong Joo called me, interrupting my peaceful guitar strumming. It was the only thing that could help me feel relaxed before I would go to bed. If I didn't, my night terrors would always win in the end.

What does she want?

"Text me the recipe for your Japchae."

"What?!" my eyes widened and I woke up a little more, "Why are you making Japchae at 11 pm? Are- are you drunk?"

Knowing she always was doing the most random things when we went drinking.

Whatta lightweight. Don't tell me she went drinking alone?!

"What? No, I just really missed your cooking. Can't a girl miss her friend's cooking!"

"Sorry sorry. I know I haven't been able to hang out with you lately."

"It's fine. You're taking care of Jae Chan, plus work. You must be busy."

Busy. More exhausted I think.

"Ya. Oh. That reminds me. I didn't tell you. My job... I got promoted!"

"What? Congrats! How is it?"

"Let's just say I'm working for the biggest boy band in the world now."


Her scream rung in my ear causing me to pull my phone away from my ear.

"BTS? Am I wrong? I'm just gonna assume I'm right. No way! I want to meet them!"

"Hong Joo breathe and no! If I were to ever bring you near them, they might think you're trying to attack them."

"Wow. I am hurt. I thought we were friends. Anyways... I also called to see how you and the kid are holding up."

"He's fine... I'm gonna take him to the hospital to visit her this week. Don't worry."

"And what about you...?"

"I'm fine."

I'm not.

"No, you're not," she spoke confidently as if she had just read my mind.

"Hong Joo-"

"I've known you since we were little. You're doing that thing with your voice again."

My voice squeaked, "W-What thing? I don't know wha-"

"Don't. I'm coming over," the line cut short only to be replaced the sound of knocking on my door.

I opened the door to a tipsy Hong Joo wearing jeans and a winter coat that ate her up. "Hello!" she bobbed her head from side to side with the bun on her head to follow along.

I sighed and waved for her to come in, "Where were you just now?"

She removed her shoes before stepping into the kitchenette "In my room. I was watching dramas, eating my barbeque, drinking my soju," she turned to me and bowed as if she was in a royal palace "and now I'm here at your service."

I groaned and rubbed my forehead, closing the door behind me, "Just be quiet. Jae Chan is sleeping."

She wandered in the little kitchen that led into the small living room and her eyes became fixated on the guitar next to the couch.

"I see what you've been doing tonight," her hands grazed the strings of the guitar as she turned her head towards me.

I rolled my eyes at her with my arms crossed, "with Mi-so's whole thing it's not like I've been getting any sleep lately."

"Well," she shrugged her shoulders, "I honestly don't know how to help your nightmares. But, I'll be by your side if you need anything," she took off her coat and dropped herself on the couch.

I sighed "Nevermind that," I quietly walked to the bedroom door that stood right next to the couch that Hong Joo was now sleeping on. Opening it slowly I could see little Jae Chan blissfully asleep in his Iron Man PJs.

Everything will be fine. Everything will be fine.

I kept repeating it in my head like a stuck record player. I closed the door and slid my back down it till I sat on the floor. I curled up, with my head leaning against my knees and fell asleep. Later that night I lost to the nightmares.


Some subtle glances into Bo-Ra's life ;) I promise it gets better from here. Thanks for reading!

-xoxo HER the muse <3

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