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"And this is the itinerary for the 12th day of the trip." Mr. Kim clicked the button to go on to the next slide.

Today was the meeting with the boys to review the upcoming trip to America in all of its glory and stress. James Cordon and Ellen. They would be hitting all the major spots ending it all with a special one-night performance at the staples center.

This is going to be brutal.

My head spun from my small headache.

I need to start going to bed earlier.

"This seems like a lot for a two-week trip. Or is it just me?" HoSeok blurted leaning back in his chair. We were all sitting around a conference table, the boys having distressed looks on their faces.

"I find it exciting. And there are two days of free time. The real question is are we going to be able to visit the places we want to visit?" Jimin was fidgetting with his bracelet with a concerned look.

"But what about the concert? My concern is that it won't be as good as we want it to be," Namjoon led the discussion with the rest of the boys nodding their heads.

"It's exactly the same setlist and performance as your last tour. You don't have to create anything new. Is this that big of a concern?" Mr. Kim scanned the room as the boys all looked at each other. He seemed disappointed to find a trace of doubt and fear in the boys.

Sheesh. Take it easy on them.

"It's not that we don't want to do a concert. Mr. Kim our tours always took months to prepare for. Even though it's a one-night thing..." Yoongi plopped his head on the table creating a sound that echoed through the room.

"I think it's doable. It'll be a nice surprise for the fans," Jungkook added with a smile on his face.

"You all just need to review the setlist and refresh on choreography. It's the big finale of your trip to America. Now isn't time to slack!" he banged his closed fist on the table startling everyone in the room.

The silence swallowed everyone whole.

"I also think we need to thank Bo-Ra here," Mr. Kim pointed my direction. "She's the reason you guys got a spot on these shows."

Ugh. I have connections. That's all. Why does he have to bring this up? Sometimes I feel like I'm not a real manager.

"Oh. Bo-Ra, really?" Namjoon asked me triggered everyone's set of eyes to move.

"Aish. This isn't about me, this is about you guys," I waved my hand.

"Boys, let's wrap this meeting up, shall we? Here's the complete itinerary. Make sure to know it. We're leaving in a couple of days" Mr. Kim scattered out the packets I made and walked out.

The boys followed out but I decided to stay laying my head on the table with my cheek squished against the tabletop.

With my eyes closed, I took a deep breath.

Stop looking at him during meetings! Even if he is handsome it is not an excuse!

I opened my eyes.

His big brown eyes were looking straight into mine while laying his head next to mine.

"You okay?"

I jumped up startled to death.

"Jesus, Jin don't scare me like that!" I lightly hit his arm.

"Ah. Sorry. You were acting weird during the meeting. "

"I just have a little bit of a headache it's fine," I said reaching to grab my bag prepared to run out of the room, and then I felt a tug on my sleeve.

"Come with me," he murmured. His eyes looked straight at mine and the down to the floor like a cat retreating from its target.

A part of me wanted to cling on while the other wanted to run away scared of the thing that was to come.


What's coming? I don't know ;) Thanks for reading lovelies <3

-xoxo HER the muse

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