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Why is there beeping?

Why is it so loud?!

Loud! Too loud. Too loud!

I opened my eyes gasping for air.

Why am I here?

I was lying in a hospital bed surrounded by a curtain. Still in the clothes I last wore, my yellow top, black hoodie, and jeans. Though, I was only wearing one sleeve of my hoodie. There was a wrap on my right arm. I assumed for my blood pressure.

Why can't I remember...what happened?

Anxiety overtook my body causing me to rip off the wrap and open the curtain, stumbling my way out. I was in the ER. Around me were multiple beds surrounded by curtains and the light inside the room was blinding white. No one seemed phase at me standing in the middle of the room. Nurses were with patients and doctors were walking around.

This all doesn't make sense.

Across the hallway, I saw Taehyung and Yoongi at the vending machine, pressing the buttons away letting the coins fall in. Yoongi noticed me and my shock.


They started running towards me only to attack me with hugs from both sides.

"Bo-Ra! Thank god you're awake! Do you feel weird? Are you dizzy? Wait, you shouldn't be walking. Go bac-"

I put my hands up stopping them from talking.

"Guys, what happened?! I don't remember what happened," I sighed out.

Yoongi seemed disturbed by my answer.

"You really don't remember?" he looked me up and down with his mouth curling up in a frown.

"No, what exactly happened?" I looked up at them.

"I would ask Jimin. He was there. But can you walk? Is it alright that you're out here?" Taehyung held onto my shoulder as if he was prepared to catch me.

"I'm fine!" I shook my head "I'm not even dizzy just take me to Jimin."

They nodded at my request and we walked over to the waiting room to see Jimin and HoSeok slouched in chairs. They both darted their eyes at me.

"Bo-Ra!" Jimin came running to me squishing me in a hug.

Agh. I think the more hugs I get the more I might pass out.

"I'm fine Jimin. Just tell me what happened," I shook his shoulders, impatient to know everything I'd experienced and forgotten in a matter of seconds.

"Uh," he looked at me and looked down trying to pull out his memories, "You were taking a picture of me and you were crouched down stepping back. Then you backed up into the intersection..."

"What are you talking about?" I looked up and down at myself "I'm not hurt. I wasn't hit!"

He paused.

"Ya, but Jin was..."


This chapter was so much fun to write. Wanna know what happens next? Keep reading ;)

-xoxo HER the muse

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