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"Who's this?" Namjoon looked at Jae-Chan.

It was like looking at David and Goliath in modern-day. Jae-Chan a little four-year-old whose head only reached up to my waist and Namjoon who was a head taller than me stared at each other. Different heights but the same glitter in their eyes.

"This is Jae-Chan, my nephew," I stroked the back of his head and slightly pushed him forward.

"He's so cute!" Jimin crouched to meet him at eye level pinching his cheeks, "Hi, my name is Jimin."

Jimin gave a smile that infected Jae-Chan. Suddenly Jae-Chan's frown morphed into a smile.

"Hi Mr." he said grinning.

"Hey, Jin-hyung can we have the kid play with your sugar glider?" Namjoon turned to SeokJin.

"Ya just put him back in his cage when you're done," Namjoon lifted him up and the rest of them ran up the stairs.


"Thank you for watching this special Eat Jin on VLive!" SeokJin waved to the camera with the Japchae on the counter in front of him.

"We're off," I sighed and rubbed my eyes yawning from the amount of sleep I had gotten from the night before.

"Do you want to try some?" he said pulling chopsticks out the drawer.

"Sure," I turned off the camera and seemed to be in a daze. Today had just been too eventful and tiring.

What is he doing?

He held up some Japchae with his chopsticks, waiting for me to snatch a bite. He seemed so calm as he did.

Why is he trying to feed me?

"Here," he looked straight at me oblivious to how weird I thought it this was.

I can't say anything about this, right? I don't want to be rude.

I guess feeding each other is normal around this dorm.

I went in to eat the Japchae, ending up almost dropping it out my mouth. Slurps and laughter echoed in the kitchen.

"I see you're really bad at eating" Seokjin was cracking up. His eyes smiling along with his mouth.

"Well sorry, I'm used to being fed like a baby! I'm kind of a klutz," I whined in between my chewing, my hands whipping away the leftover noodles on my mouth.

He walked away to a drawer with his back facing me, "Eh, don't worry about it. It's cute."


He was too lost in placing things in the sink to notice the startled look on my face. I blinked repeatedly, trying to process what he just said.

Cute? Pffttt. What was that about?

"I mean it's good but I also make a mean Japchae," I sputtered out trying to move on from the previous comments he had just made.

"That's debatable," he shut the drawer closed with a loud sound and turned around to face me eyeing me, "so why'd you run off earlier?"

"Huh?" my eyes met his and I shifted them to focus on the counter. I didn't realize they took notice of that.

"Earlier you got a phone call and went running off without any explanation. Everything alright? It made us a little worried," he stayed looking at me as if he was trying to piece the puzzle together himself.

I sighed out and fiddled with my thumbs on the counter "Oh. Ya. Some kids said some things to Jae-Chan. It kind all escalated from there." Then I leaned my chin on my folded arms, sitting on the chair while SeokJin wiped down the counter.

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