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soonha got up from her bed, headphones making their way back to her shoulders. the music was on pause as she made her way to the door.

she opened it and saw it was wonwoo, the one glaring at her earlier. and it seems like he was glaring at her right now too, so she glared back.

"what do you want?" she asked, crossing her arms with a frown. "soonyoung told me to tell you to go to tbe living room." he shrugged, crossing his arms on his chest.

thats when she noticed the book he was holding, and she actually read that before, but first she needs to know of he hates her or not. just to be clear y'know.

"do you hate me?" she asked, straight to point. she crossed her arms while leaning on tbe door frame. wonwoo looked at her confusedly, confused on why she asked such thing.

"whh do you say so?"

"dude, youve been glaring at me since dinner and well, know." then his gaze softens, something soonha didnt knkw he could do. "oh i did? im sorry. i didnt meant to glare at you, its um... part of me i guess." he shrugged.

"youre pretty quiet."

"and so are you." he replied with a shrug again. man whats with him and his shrugging shoulders.

"well, if you excuse me, ive still got to finish this book. soonyoung told me to tell you to go done by the way." he turned around to leave, when soonha said something that made him stop on his tracks.

"the son was the killer, wonwoo." she said, still not moving an inch from her spot. wonwoo turned around with a frown. "how did you know?"

"ive read that book, twice. it was really good." she didnt even know why she was opening up like this, but eh, it wouldnt be bad to talk about something like this to someone right?

"damn, the son was the killer? i was suspecting the neighbor, actually." wonwoo chuckled, now facing soonha fully. "same, i thought it was the neighbor too when i first read that book."

"wonwoo! did you get soonha? or did she ignored you?" they suddenly heard soonyoung shouted downstairs, cutting off the conversation of the two bookworm.

wonwoo sighed, before answering. "yeah i got her. shes on the way now." wonwoo answered back, yelling. then turned to soonha, "lets go?" then she nodded and walked beside him.

throughout the walk, they were talking about the book. and soonha was kind of comfused on why shes conversing with wonwoo a lot, but she shrugged it off.

but once they arrived, they both quickly shut up and sat beside each other silently.

"great, the demon had arrived." jihoon said, glaring to soonhas direction. soonha glared back, her arms crossed on her chest.

"shut up, shorty." jihoon scoffed, and was about to make another comeback only to be stopped by seungcheol. "youre lucky seungcheol hyungs here, or else id already beat your ass."

soonha snorted at what he said, a smirk present on her lips. "you dont know what youre talking about, shorty. youre the lucky one here, i couldve beat your ass by now."

"tss." jihoon hissed, and focused back on his phone. soonha turned to wonwoo, wanting to ask a question. "is he always this stingy? coz its annoying."

"most of the time, he is." wonwoo answered, not looking away from the book since hes too focused reading. soonha nodded, and her gaze landed on soonyoung who was playing with his phone.

"apple." she said, loud enough for soonyoung to hear. but soonyoung didnt heard her, he was playing superstar pledis and he was too focused.

"apple." she called out again, but soonyoung still didnt looked at her, his hands moving on the screen. soonha sighed, before calling out for him once again.

"soonyoung." the moment his name left her mouth, his fingers frozed on the screen, causing him to fail to finish the game. she heard his breath hitched, and she raised her left eyebrow. because thats weird.

soonyoung slowly lookee up, with an idiotic smile on his face. "yeah?" he finally answered, the smile still not leaving his face.

"can i go out?" soonyoung raised a brow, before placing his phone ontop of his right thigh. "where are you going?"

"im going to buy ice cream."

"did somebody said ice cream?!" chan suddenly yelled, catching the whole room's attention. soonha blinked her eyes, before answering. "i did."

chan turned to seungcheol, with his puppy eyes and lips pouted. "hyung i want to go buy ice cream with soonha noona! please?"

"hey no fair i want ice cream too!" seokmin jumped into the conversation, his lips also pouting. and soon enough, most of thr boys were already whining for ice cream.

seungcheol sighed, before agreeing to buy ice cream. the boys stood up excitedly, and rushed to their rooms to change. soonha got up to, and went back to her room.

she noticed that she was still wearing the same clothes earlier, and decided to change into a thicker clothing, knowing that she had low cold tolerance.

she slipped on some thick black oversized hoodie, and just left her rip jeans on. she slipped on some think white socks and put her white sneakers on.

she grabbed her phone, wallet and air pods with her and went out of her room to see that the boys were already dressed.

they exited the dorm, and decided on the first group that will enter the elevator (prpbably because they wont fit in).

the first batch were soonha, seungcheol, soonyoung, wonwoo, chan, mingyu and minghao. the second batch were jeonghan, jisoo, junhui, jihoon, seokmin, seungkwan, and hansol.

the first batch waited patiently at the lobby for the others, and they were messing around as usual. soonha was just quietly standing in there, when her eyes darted to someone she didnt expected.

he lives here?

gose was funny hahaha

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