595 28 14

soonha put on her jacket, and tied her hair into a high ponytail before grabbing her phone from her desk and left her room.

"cheol wait!" she said, quickly walking down the stairs as she tried to catch up with seungcheol who was about to leave.

seungcheol quickly turned around, a surprised expression on his face.

well, who wouldn't be? this was the first time soonha had walked out of her room after the incident. "oh soonha where are you going?"

"i want to come with you, i want to visit soonyoung." she murmured, looking down on her shoes before lifting her head up. "would that be okay?"

seungcheol smiled, and nodded his head. "of course-"

"i'm coming too wait!" jihoon yelled from the living room, and quickly dashed towards his room to change. a few minutes later, jihoon came out in his room dressed in a thick hoodie.

"let's go!" he chirped happily and casually interlocked his hands with soonha. soonha sighed, and just let the boy do whatever he wants.

"you want some ice cream?" jihoon asked the girl, once they were already inside the car. seungcheol frowned from the driver's seat. "but it's cold, you can't have ice cream."

"cheol is right." she mumbled, trying to pull her hand away from jihoon. but jihoon just held it tighter, before pouting. "cheeseburger then?"

"sure, let's have some on the way." seungcheol agreed, and started to drive to the hospital. silence covered the three, and soonha was just staring at the scenery outside the window.

jihoon kept on glancing at her from time to time, and decided to initiate a conversation. "jagi i'm glad you finally came out of your room. does that mean you're going back to school again?"

"maybe." soonha replied, as seungcheol drove them to a drive thru. after saying their order through their speakers, seungcheol paid for the food.

"this is so good." jihoon said, munching on his burger while walking on the hospital's hallway. "jihoon you're supposed to eat that when we arrived at soonyoung's room." seungcheol scolded.

jihoon just shrugged his shoulders. "can't help it, it's so delicious!" he grinned, and took another large bite from the burger.

soonha chuckled, and entered soonyoung's room with the two boys.

her heart dropped to the ground once again, after seeing soonyoung's condition. she started to feel guilty again, but she shrugged those thoughts off and pulled a chair beside soonyoung.

"can you... leave me alone with soonyoung here for a moment?" she asked, turning her head to the two boys who was just about to sit.

they shared glances, before nodding their heads and leaving the room. soonha pursed her lips, before reaching for soonyoing's hand.

"young i miss you." she pouted, feeling her eyes get teary again. but she doesn't let the tears fall, and just sighed. "i'm sorry you had to save me from the car, it should've been me."

"but i'm thankful you're still alive, young. the doctor said you'll be in coma for two months or so. i hope you wake up soon." she continued to talk to him, even though soonyoung probably won't be able to hear her.

"i'm sorry i wasn't able to visit you this past three weeks, i was just.. guilty. i had a dream where mama told me i killed you and... papa." she mumbled.

"but jihoon said i didn't killed papa nor you, and that made me feel better actually. but i'm still guilty i'm the reason you're laying down on this bed." she sighed, staring on soonyoung's face.

"cyril misses you too. she kept on messaging me everyday, asking if you already woke up eventhough i told her you'll be asleep for more than two months." she chuckled.

"she really likes you, soonyoung, i hope you'll ask her out soon." she joked, hoping for soonyoung to smile brightly at her and giggle. but of course, that didn't happened.

she sighed, before letting go of soonyoung's hand. "who am i kidding." she muttered, before standing up from the chair and opening the door. "you guys could come in now." she said, watching as jihoon and seungcheol enter the room again.

"i miss apple." jihoon muttered, looking at his friend with a little sadness. "don't we all?" seungcheol sighed, sitting down on one of the chairs. soonha sat down beside him, while jihoon go and sit down beside soonyoung.

"i miss the old happiness in our dorm." seungcheol sighed, tiredly messing up his hair. "the boys didn't looked as happy as they used to be, and the house seems very quiet without soonyoung."

"you must be very stressed and sad. i'm sorry for adding to your stress this past few weeks." soonha muttered, looking guilty again.

seungcheol watched as jihoon talk to soonyoung, before shaking his head at soonha. "it wasn't your fault, soonha, and it's okay. if i were soonyoung's soster i would've done that too."

soonha pursed her lips. "i wish soonyoung would wake up soon, i miss him."

"we all do. now here, eat your cheeseburger to cheer you up." seungcheol said, handing her the cheeseburger he bought. soonha flashed him a smile. "thank you cheol."

"cheol what?"

soonha groaned, before shaking her head. "no i'm not calling you that."

"aw come on, you have too. i'm older than you." he pestered, childishly nudging her shoulder.

"you're the oldest yet you act like a five year old." she chuckled, making seungcheol pout.

"whatever you say." seungcheol replied, and started to eat his burger too. "cheol?"


"thank you for the burger oppa."

this chapter is so short i think imma publish one more if i can hhh

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