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"what do you mean by somewhere? sit back in here." soonyoung said and pulled soonha down. soonha was left with no choice so she sat back down.

jihoon and rachel were making out again. so chan spoke up, trying to drown the sound.

"noona, how do you think of the school?" chan asked, after swallowing his food. soonha shrugged. "not bad i guess."

"yah, soonha, how did you met cyril?" soonyoung asked curiously. "she was my co-volleyball player."

"co-volleyball player? does that mean you play volleyball?" wonwoo asked, pushing his spectacled back up to his nose. soonha nodded as her answer.

"i bet shes the worst player of them all." jihoon said. soonha scowled at him. "oh bitch you wish."

jihoom ignored her remark, and focused on his girlfriend. "shes annoying." rachel said, whilst glaring at her. jihoon chuckled, "ignore her."

soon, the bell rang, indicatiing that lunch break was over. students flooded the hallway again, and they made their way back to their respective class rooms.

class was over after hours of sitting their asses on the chair. soonha and the others met at the parking lot- except for jihoon and mingyu, who had practice.

and on the way to the parking lot, soonha coincidentally ran to cyril again. "soonha!"

"you dont need to shout my name everytime we see." soonha chuckled as cyril towered over her. soonha was five feet and two inches tall, whilst cyril was five feet and six inches tall.

soonha was alone- he told the boys to just wait for her on the parking lot since she left some books on her locker.

"wheres soonyoung?"

"you like him alright." soonha teased while nudging her friend. a visible blush formed on cyrils face, and that was enough for soonha to believe that cyril does like her brother.

"w-what are you talking about?" she asked, pretending to cough to hide her blushing cheeks. "youre still bad at lying," soonha chuckled. "you never changed."

"you changed though." cyril pointed out. "what do you mean. im still me." soonha answered, digging her hands to her pockets. cyril shrugged. "youre quieter than usual, i mean, you always say shits and stuff. though, youre poker face never changed."

soonha shrugged her shoulders. "where are you off to?"

"i was on my way to my locker, dropping this off," she said, gesturing to the paper bag she was holding. "we were supposed to have a volleyball practice today but our coach got sick, and the news just arrived earlier."

"wow thats an improvement." soonha said, knowing cyril, she never wanted to be alone, even just by going to the bathroom, she always need someone to accompany her. "what improvement?"

"youre walking to your locker, alone." the smaller girl said, emphasizing the word 'alone'. she gave soonha a look. "what is that supposed to mean?"

"dont act like you almost cried in the middle of camping night just because i dont want to go with you to the bathroom." soonha snickered, nudging cyril playfully. cyril rolled her eyes and pinched my nose. "oh that was in the past, i can go on by myself now." she said proudly.

"alright, ill get going then." soonha said. but cyril grabbed her arm with a pout. soonha raised abrow. "what."

"go with me to my locker. its been a year since i last saw you." she saidd with a pout. soonha sighed. "the boys are waiting-"



"pretty pleaaase? with a cherry on top?" she pleaded with her puppy eyes. soonha was left with no choice but to go with her. "alright ill just text them."

soonha took out her phone and started walking with cyril.

14 hoes (14)

noodlehead: @ s00nha where tf are u

s00nha: u guys can go ahead

fuckyou: you heard her @ scoops, lets leave that whore and go back home

soondae: yah, ha, where are you going?

s00nha: just go

scoops: we r not leaving her jihoon

s00nha: you can leave me, im with cyril just go

soondae: we r not leaving you here

s00nha: if i see your van at the parking lot i will not hesitate to shove my phone down to your throats.

soonha screen-locked her phone and placed it back to her pocket. "any boyfriends?" cyril suddenly asked. soonha scrunched her face. "boyfriend? i dont need that."

cyril wasnt convinced. "oh yeah? says the one who has been all crushy crushy for samuel." she teased and nudged soonha. soonha rolled her eyes. "i dont and will never like that dude. how many times do i have to tell you?"

cyril shrugged. "i dont know, until you admit that you like him?"


"hey im curious. why did you never told me you had a brother?"

"because you didnt asked."

"you didnt asked if i had a brother but i still told you about johan oppa."

"well i didnt told you to tell me you have a brother."

"you have a point." cyril said, suddenly stopping infront of a locker which soonha guessed was cyrils locker. cyril opened it and placed the paper bag in. she took out a few books, tucked it between her arms as she fixed her messy locker.

soonha poked her head in and snickered once she saw how messy cyrils locker is. "damn is that a garbage bin im seeing?" she asked with a smirk.

cyril scoffed at her and slammed her locker shut, and was about to say her comeback when someone spoke up behind them.

"all i see is two piece of garbage infront of me."

heyyyyyy!!! i finally updated :D

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