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soonha was ruining the back of her notebook with some stupid sketch. she was alone in her bedroom and felt very bored, she didn't want to go out and join the boys in the living room, because she could hear seokmin's loud voice singing to beyoncé's song along with seungkwan.

it'll probably make her eardrums bleed so no thank you.

she was too lazy to go and hang out in her balcony, and that's why she ended up there, sitting on her chair infront of her desk, randomly drawing some stupid doodles.

not until she heard someone knocking on her door. she groaned, and lazily dragged her feet to her door and opened it.

"wha-" she was cut off when she saw nobody standing infront. she frowned, when she herd another knock.

and that's when she realized it was coming from her balcony's door. she closed the door, and went to the other door.

the person kept on knocking endlessly, slightly annoying soonha. she opened it, a frown on her face.

"wh- ouch!" a a hard fist landed on soonha's forehead. jihoon gasped, quickly entering her room to check on her forehead.

"i'm sorry! i thought you were the door!" he apologized, while pecking her forehead. soonha frowned, and wiped her forehead before pinching his forearm. "why did you do that?!"

he winced, rubbing his forearm as he looked at her sheepishly. "what did i do?"

"you pecked my forehead idiot."

"to make the pain go away." he reasoned out, giggling. soonha scrunched up her nose, a disapproving look on her face. "it made the pain worse."

"so? what do you want me to do? kiss your lips?" he teased, and tried to lean forward and kiss her but soonha quickly dodge it. "get out."

"eyyy you're no fun." jihoon pouted, as he closed the door behind him and walked past her. he landed on her bed, rolling over it.

the girl just rolled her eyes, before sitting back to her chair and continued to doodle. "so, what're you doing?" he asked her, sitting up on her bed and peeking.

"i don't know." she mumbled, boredly making random circles on the paper. jihoon suddenly pulled her arm, and down to the bed with him.

"jihoon stop clinging to me." she told him, an annoyed expression on her face as she tried to push him away. jihoon just giggled evilly, before he started to tickle her sides.

and since soonha is a very ticklish person, she started to laugh.

"jihoon!" she managed to say in between her laughter, trying to push him away and wiggling out of his grasp. jihoon couldn't help but laugh on how cute she was, and even went on top of her so he was pinning her down.

"s-stop." she said, giggling and tried to pry jihoon's hands away from her. jihoon giggled cutely and continued to tickle her.

after a while, the both of them eventually stopped laughing, with soonha panting heavily while jihoon was looking down on her, pinning her down.

and that's when the both of them realized their position and how close their faces was.

"j-jihoon?" soonha stuttered, completely flustered when the boy leaned in closer to her face. jihoon hummed in response, his hands slowly making it's way to soonha's wrist and pinning them just beside her head.

soonha's breath hitched, when their noses brushed together, and she was almost cross-eyes due to how close jihoon is.

"can i?" jihoon asked lowly, his voice deep that made soonha shudder. but before she could even answer, the door opened.

"HEY DINNER'S- HOLY SWEET COW WHAT ARE YOU-" soonha quickly pushed jihoon away from her, while jihoon three a pillow at seokmin.


"shut your mouth before i swing my guitar up your ass." jihoon threatened, making seokmin seal his mouth and make a zipping his mouth motion.

soonha was obviously blushing, her face was buried on her pillow and she could feel her heart palpitate, almost flying out of her chest.

"so uhhh. dinner's ready." seokmin broke the awkward silence that lingered around the room for a moment, before he quickly left the room.

"soonha?" jihoon called out, trying to pull the pillow away from her face. "don't talk to me." soonha told him, words a little muffled.

jihoon didn't replied, watching as soonha roll over true bed with her back facing him. jihoon scratched his head, before tapping her shoulder.


"i said don't talk to me!" soonha said, making jihoon sigh and lay down on the bed beside her. "hey i'm sorry. i shouldn't have done that."

soonha finally pulled the pillow away from her face, when she felt that her face wasn't bloody red anymore. she turned around to face him, before kicking his leg repeatedly.

"you stupid dick!" she huffed, crossing her arms and threw the pillow to jihoon. jihoon just chuckled, before sitting up so soonha wouldn't be able to kick his leg. "hey i'm sorry."

soonha rolled her eyes, sitting up and leaning on the headboard before slapping his arm harshly.

"hey what was that for?!"

"i don't know, i just feel like doing it." she replied, and slap his arm again.

jihoon winced, glaring at her who also glared back. "so am i forgiven?"

"maybe." she said, shrugging her shoulders and crossing her arms. "if you kiss soonyoung then i'll forgive you."

jihoon chocked on his saliva, eyes going wider than it's usual size. "what the fuck? i'm not fucking doing that!" he said, crossing his arms while frowning.

soonha just chuckled. "i'm kidding." silence covered them for a moment, when jihoon decided to break it.

"hey soonha, last sunday why did i woke up with a pacifier in my mouth?"

still have no ending the struggle is real

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