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it was midnight, and jihoon was dragginghis chair to his balcony while holding his guitar. he sat down on his chair and rose his legs and placed them on top of the railings. he slowly placed his guitar on his lap and appreciated the silence around him.

he thought about rachel, and that led to the scene he saw last friday that made his heart ache. he shook his head, before ruffling his hair. im going to talk to her this monday and thats final.

he sighed, hoping that what he saw was just a prank or something. but the more he tells himself its a joke, the more it felt like it wasnt.

slowly, his right hand slowly went to the neck of his guitar, and pressed his delicate fingers on the guitar's frets, before strumming softly.

this was how he likes it- just him and his music alone. he continued to strum, and slowly, he started to sing softly.

he stopped strumming and singing when he smelled something. he frowned before he started to cough. whats that? smells like someone's smoking.

he frowned. but who would be smoking this late?

could it be... soonha?

he quickly placed his guitar on the ground, and lowered his legs. before standing up from his chair, and leaning in the edge of the railings and was about to look up when a small piece of cigarette hit his face and fell to the floor.

he frowned, and looked down to see that it was a used cigarette, before staring upwards, thinking that it was soonha smoking. but when he saw no sign of soonha on the balcony, he shrugged his shoulders before picking his guitar on the floor, and entering his room while yawning sleepily.

monday. the day soonha hated the most. she doesnt like mondays because well, you have to go back to school. and that sucks.

but eventhough she hated mondays, she still had to attend school. so right now, she was walking beside her closest friend in seventeen, which was no other than jeon wonwoo. (wonwoo best boy)

she tucked the loose strand of her hair behind her ear, and it was getting a little annoying. she decided to not tie her hair, because 1) she was lazy and 2) she decided to give it a try.

the others were walking just infront of the both of them (with the usual fangirls crowding over them). soonyoung and junhui were joking around again, while jihoon looks like his head was floating in space.

jihoons eyes scanned around the hallways, trying to spot for a certain person. and when his eyes landed on her. he quickly separated himself from the group and approached rachel.

he grabbed her by her arm, and spun her around. "lets talk." he said, locking his eyes with her. rachel held the urge to smirk, and pretended to be hurt or some shit. "jihoon let go of me."

jihoon narrowed his eyes, and tightened his grip on rachel's arm (but not too tightnso he wouldnt hurt her). "no. not until you talk to me."

rachel rolled her eyes, before nodding. "alright, fine. what do you want to talk about?"

"are you cheating on me with daniel?" when jihoon asked that, rachel frozed on her spot. some passerbys heard jihoon, so some of them stopped on their tracks to watch and gossip.

"oh my god rachel's cheating with jihoon?!"

"i knew that bitch was up to no good."

"shes unblievable! what a slut."

"i know right, she doesnt deserve jihoon."

and because of this, most of the students' attnetion were on them. rachel pursed her lips as she heard the murmurs around her and felt the glares.

shit, the fuck do i do now? she sighed, before locking her eyes with her boyfriend. "what are you talking about?" there she goes again, pretending to be innocent.

jihoon marrowed his eyes. "dont play dumb with me-" but he was cut off when the bell rang. rachel crumpled her hand into a tight fist, as jihoon let go of her. "we'll talk about this later. at lunch." he said firmly, before walking past her and into his class room.

rachel groaned, running her hand to her haur before fetching her phone from her pocket (she doesnt care if shes late or what, shes rich as fuck anyway) and dialed a certain number.

"what do you want? class just started."

"he knows."


"jihoon, he knows."


"...your scores from this project is going to be added to your quarter test. so please cooperate with your partners for this project. you may go to your partners now." sir kim namjoon said, befote sitting down on his chair and doing his paperworks.

they were given a task that needed to be worked by pair, and the task was to compose their own songs. and according to sir namjoon, he will pick three best song and it will be performed as an intermission number on the talent show and unfortunately for soonha, her partner was lee jihoon.

the both just stared at each other quietly, they actually doesnt know whether they should feel happy about this or what. because 1) jihoon and soonha could both produce song and 2) they could use one of their works as their project.

jihoon cleared his throat, before speaking. "uh we could use one of my works as our project. how does that sound?"

soonha knew she wanted to use one of her works as their project, eventhough she doesnt really share her works, but this time, she doesnt know why she wanted to use one of her works.

"no its okay, we could use one of my works." what she said made jihoon rose a brow. "what do you mean your works? dont tell me you can compose songs too?"

soonha pursed her lips, because she just realized that she had accidentally spilled one of her secrets. when soonha didnt answered him, that confirmed his thoughts.

"how about you present me one of your works, while i present you one of my works. and then just debate if we're going to use your's, or mine. how does that sound?"


hi yall. i might not be able to update tomorrow (still not sure) bcs i have family problems :( . please stay happy, healthy and safe!

btw happy anniversary seventeen! (this is actually my first anniv with svt and yes, im a babie carat)

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