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omo ninety chapters alr

what greeted soonha early monday morning was the faint scent of strawberry and soft brown hair.

at first, soonha didnt really mind, and even hugged whatever she was hugging. until she realized that she was hugging something.

she cracked her eyes open, and saw the most ethereal thing in the earth. lee jihoon, sleeping so peacefully.

but when she realized again that she was sleeping on her bed with jihoon, she let out a cute squeak and tried to push him away.

the male groaned softly, and wrapped his arm around her tightly and even wrap his left leg over soonha's body. "jihoon." she said, trying to push him away.

jihoon didnt listen, and buried his face on the crook of her neck, where he can smell the sweet scent of vanilla.

"stop moving." he said huskily, his morning voice deep and hoarse. the girl stopped her movements, her breath hitched when she heard jihoon's voice.

a faint blush appeared on her cheeks, and she tried again. "jihoon please let me go."

it took a good five minutes, before jihoon finally pulled away, looking at her with a cute grin. "how did you even get here? i dont remember sleeping with you." she commented, sitting up and leaning on the headboard.

jihoon sat up too, rubbing his eyes with his soft brown hair sticking up messily. "i couldn't sleep last night, so i snuck here to your room."

"without my permission?" she asked, eyebrows creased together whilst crossing her arms. jihoon just chuckled, before pinching her nose. "i know you dont really mind because you love me."

"no." soonha said, standing up from her bed and grabbing jihoon's arm. "now get out of my room."

jihoon let himself get dragged by soonha all the way outside to her room. "no morning kiss?" he asked, puckering his lips.

soonha huffed, "kiss yourself." before slamming her door shut infront of his face. she can hear jihoon chuckle from the other side of the door, and footsteps fading away.

stares. that's the first thing soonha saw once she entered the campus. by now she's already used to it, the stares at murmurs everytime.

but this time, most of them weren't staring in disgust, and instead, in curiousity. soonha couldn't say why exactly are they staring again, but she didnt care.

she managed to hear one conversation, about rachel and the rumor she posted in twitter.

"hey did you saw? rachel deleted her tweet about soonha and seventeen."

"wait really? i didn't saw. why did she deleted?"

"i don't know, maybe someone blackmailed her?"

"huh, i wonder why she deleted it."

soonha craned her neck to look at wonwoo, who was busy playing games on his phone again.


"shhhhh i'm playing." wonwoo scolded, and it reminded her of mingyu. she rolled her eyes, and decided to ignore him.

the bell already rang, yet there was still no teacher in sight. probably late again. she thought, and pulled her phone out of her pocket and searched rachel's profile i'm twitter.

"what're you doing?" jihoon asked and peeked on her phone curiously. soonha just let him be, and frowned when she saw that rachel really deleted her tweet.

"rachel deleted her tweet."

"what tweet?"

"the one about why they shouldn't trust seventeen, you and cyril." jihoon's mouth formed an 'o' shape, whilst nodding his head. "really? why?"

"i don't know." soonha replied, putting her phone back to her pocket when the teacher finally arrived.

"sorry the horse i was riding to school was so slow." the teacher, mr. hoseok apologized, causing students to seal their mouths and look at their teacher curiously.

"horse? you ride a horse to school sir?" soonyoung asked, looking at their teacher. hoseok scratched his nape. "no that was a lie. i thought you guys will believe it but i guess not. i woke up late sorry."

most of the students laughed at that, while their teacher chuckle. "alright surprise quiz!"

and the laughter, turned into groans.

"hey!" nara greeted, once she saw soonha walking towards their table with her tray during lunch. "soonha, we missed you!"

soonha chuckled, and sat down beside cyril who was also smiling at her. "why would you miss me?"

"because you barely join us in lunch now that you're dating jihoon." taeyeon told her, and soonha choked on her food. "me- dating who?"

"jihoon." younghee replied this time, sounding a little confused. "you aren't dating jihoon?"

soonha frowned at that, wiping her mouth with her hand before starting to eat again. "i'm dating no one."

"but cyril told us that you're dating jihoon."

soonha glared at the girl, who just smiled at her sheepishly. "that's fake news." soonha said, making cyril sigh. "but you guys act like a couple."

"we're not a couple for pete's sake."

"oh yeah? then why doe she calls you jagiya?" cyril deadpanned, making soonha blush a little before shaking her head. "i don't know! ask him."

"yeah right, i bet you like it when he calls you jagiya." nara teased, making the others join. soonha ignored them, as her eyes suddenly landed on the table where rachel and her friends usually sit at.

but what confused her, was when she saw rachel standing infront of diza and meilin, with a frown visible in her face. her two friends were frowning too, and it looks like they were having some serious girl talk or something.

rachel slammed her palm in the table, and said something that shocked her teo friends. before she turned around, and walked out of the cafeteria.

soonha rose a brow, thinking as she chewed her food. what was that all about?

i feel like the ending of this book will disappoint y'all ://

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