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weekends passed, and today was monday. soonha was walking on the busy hallways with mingyu, since mingyu told her that his classmate, cyril wanted to meet with her urgently for some reason.

"do you know why she needs me?" soonha asked mingyu, who only shrugged his shoulders. "i actually dont know, she just randomly started spamming my phone with messages saying she needed you."

soonha nodded her head, a little bit confused on why cyril would suddenly wanted to meet her. they arrived at mingyus classroom, and there stood cyril.

cyrils eyes lit up when she saw soonha, and she quickly dashed towards her. "soonha phew i thought you werent coming."

soonha raised a brow while mingyu was just curiously standing beside soonha. "uh surprise im here?" soonha said unsurely. cyril shook her head and suddenly had this pleading face.

"yeah hey, i needed to meet you urgently because well- one of the volleyball players got injured and we needed one more person to the team. and since you play volleyball, will you please join?" she pleaded, nearly going down on her knees.

"wait, you play volleyball?" mingyu asked, a little surprised. cyril nodded her head."yeah, she used to be one of the greatest player back then." cyril answered for her.

soonha thought about it, she doesnt really have any problem in joining. "so? are you joining? please say yes." cyril pleaded again. soonha nodded her head. "yeah sure."

cyril and mingyu was surprised. "wait- are you serious?" cyril asked, still surprised. soonha hummed in response and checked her wrist watch. "ill be going now, or ill be late." she said, patting cyril's shoulder and turned her heels away from them.

soonha entered her classroom just in time as the bell rang, and sat down on her seat beside jihoon (which she hates a lot but she has no choice) and placed her bag down.

a few minutes later, everyone was settled on their seats, but the thing is, there's no teacher. the class president, kim nahee suddenly stepped infront of the class and clapped her hands loudly to catch the class' attention.

and when they were finally quiet enough, nahee spoke up. "mrs. kim is absent today because of personal reasons. she left me some seatworks on each subjects that needed to be answered and passed today." she said.

the class erupted into loud cheers. nahee went to the teacher's table and opened one of the cabinets. she took out a pile of papers before clearing her throat and explaining what has to be done.

and soon, she passed the papers to each students.

soonha finished the seatwork early, she was seated beside jihoon (since nahee didnt allowed the class to swap seats). ran her hand on her light blond locks before making her paper face upside down so no one would try to copy her answers.

she looked around the room and saw most of the class goofing around, and only like thirty percent were actually taking the seatwork seriously. she glanced at jihoon beside her, to see that he wasnt answering and was scrolling on his phone.

she decided to just sleep for a while. so she took out her phone and messages soonyoung.

kwonblings (2)

s00nha: yo

soondae: whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?

s00nha: wow ok
s00nha: i just wanna tell you to wake me up when its lunch.

soondae: okie dokie!! :3

she screen locked her phone, before placing both of her arms on the table. with her left arm below and right arm on top of her left arm. she buried her face on her right arm and let herself get lost on dreamland.

jihoon stared at soonha when he saw her burrying her face on her arm. is she sleeping? he asked himself and stared at her. but when she didnt showed any sign of movement, that confirmed his thought.

he was about to just ignore her, when his eyes caught something sparkly and shiny on her left wrist. he looked around to see is anyone was looking, and when no one was looking, he smirked and sloely reached for the bracelet on her left wrist.

he examined the bracelet under the desk- just in case if soonyoung saw him holding it. it was a moon sterling silver bracelet. he didnt know why it was oddly familiar, but he shrugged it off and pocketed the bracelet.

then turned to soonha, who was sleeping peacefully, then he smirked evilly.

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