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"soonhaaa!" soonyoung said happily,, standing up from his bed and walking towards soonha with his legs a little wobbly.

"what?" she asked, but soonyoung just hugged her with a giggle. "i'm finally going home!" he said happily, before pulling away. "now where's my jihoon?"

"he went outside to buy cola." cyril answered, sitting down on the hospital bed and unplugging her phone from her charger.

soonyoung nodded, and turned to seungcheol who had just entered the room with jihoon holding two bottles of cola. "catch!" he said, throwing the other bottle to soonha.

luckily, soonha caught it. "jihoonieeee." soonyoung said, smiling happily and hugged the small boy. jihoon slightly choke on his drink, before looking at soonyoung weirdly. "soonyoung let go of me."

"but i miss hugging you!" he said, pouting as he rested his head on top of the smaller's head. soonha rose a brow, before sitting beside cyril. "are they gay or something?"

"i don't know? maybe?" cyril replied to soonha's question with a chuckle. "alright kids, let's go." seungcheol said opening the door.

soonha and cyril both got up from the hospital bed, and followed the three boys (with soonyoung still hugging jihoon).

"soonyoung for fuck's sake let go of me people are looking at us." the younger huffed, feeling his cheek warm. soonyoung pouted, and pulled away. "fine."

"ugh finally." jihoon sighed in relief, and in a swift motion he went beside soonha. "jihoon don't tell me you're still gay?"

"NO IM NOT." jihoon raised his voice, looking annoyed. soonha just chuckled, and nudge him. "geez i was just joking take a chill pill."

"cyril is your brother picking you up?" seungcheol asked, once all of them entered the elevator. cyril shook her head. "no, he's doing something with his friends."

"hey why don't you stay at our place for awhile?" soonyoung asked brightly, clinging in her arm. cyril wasn't sure about it, but she agreed anyway.

"are you seriously going to let me sit with this lovebirds?" jihoon groaned, when soonha raced him to sit on the passengers seat. soonha chuckled, and put on her seatbelt. "yes."

"what if they make out or something?!"

"then you have to bear with it." seungcheol joked, and started the engine. jihoon pouted, and moved away as far as possible from the couple.

silence covered them, with soonha just boredly playing with her phone while jihoon was staring off into space.

soonyoung's head was on cyril's shoulder while the girl was playing with her phone too. when they arrived back at their dorm, soonyoung was greeted with a surprise.

"welcome back home hoshi!" the boys chorused, holding banners that they made last night and throwing confettis around. soonyoung smiled brightly, and clapped his hands. "waaaaaaah! thank you so much everyone!" he said, with his eyes sparkling.

soon, everyone was sitting on the living room, eating the cake jeonghan bought for the surprise. "wah i still can't believe i'm back home! it feels good!" soonyoung said for the nth time today,but the others just let him say whatever he wants although it's getting annoying.

but in the middle of everything, there was a knock on the door. cyril frowned, before checking her wrist watch. "is that johan? but i told him to come and pick me up at five. not two-"

seungkwan was the one who opened the door, since he lost rock-paper and scissors to the other boys. but when he saw who knocked on the door, he immediately closed it back as he panicked in jeju accent.

"oh my god satan had arrived everybody go and grab their holy water and get ready to face satan himself-" seungkwan was cut off when minghao rolled his eyes and opened the door instead.

but when minghao saw who it was, he also closed the door and re-phrased what seungkwan said. "holy fuck it is satan, where's our holy water here-"

jihoon rolled his eyes, and nudged soonyoung's feet. "go and open it."

"but why me-" soonyoung's whine was cut off by a knock on the door- but this time it was louder than earlier.

soonyoung sighed, and decided to open he door. but before he could close it, he was engulfed by a hug.

now everyone believes hat satan really came. "youngieee!" rachel squealed, hugging a not-so-comfortable looking kwon soonyoung. seungkwan suddenly disappeared, and he was off to get something.

soonyoung turned to the boys, his eyes screaming for help. "omg oppa i'm so happy that you're finally-" she was cut off when seungkwan started to spray alcohol (since he ran out of air freshener) all over rachel while minghao separated them.

"excuse me but who are you?" soonyoung asked, pretending to not know who this girl is. rachel rose a brow. "it's me! rachel! you know? your future girlfriend?"

everyone's face was painted with disgust, even soonyoung. "i'm sorry but i don't remember you and i don't date low quality girls like you."

"ugh soonyoung stop fucking, i knownyou're just pretending to not know me." rachel said, rolling her eyes.

"nope i don't know you byeeeeee!" soonyoung said, quickly pushing her out of their house and locking the door.

"sheesh why do you guys have creepy fangirls?" soonha asked, making the boys shrugged. "maybe we're just too handsome and hot." mingyu said, smirking.

"yeah whatever."

idk i'm losing ideas lmao this story still doesn't have any ending fuck me

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