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lunch break came and the students were flooding the hallway. the boys and soonha was walking on the hallway too- they were on their way to the cafeteria. jihoon and his girlfriend was walking together whilst the rest was just tailing behind the couple.

soonha was receiving a lot of attention, and she hated it. she watched from afar and saw a familiar figure again that she thought was cyril. she finally had the chance to look at her up close and that confirmed that she really is cyril.

"hi hyung!" mingyu suddenly popped out of nowhere with the rest of the ninety-seven liners. "seungkwan and the others isnt with you?" soonyoung asked.

"nope, we didnt saw them." seokmin answered and started to walk with them to the cafeteria. 

"seungcheol hyung and the others wont be joining right?" 

"im not sure."

cyril was nearing the others, soonha doesnt plan on greeting her. maybe just a simple eye contact and go, she thought. but soonha was surprised when soonyoung smiled and called out for her.

"cyril!" soonyoung yelled loudly, catching almost everyones attention in the hallway. cyril turned to soonyoung and she flashed him a smile. "hi soon-"

cyril stopped walking and was cut off when she landed her eyes on soonha. soonha stared back at her. cyril was silent as she continued to just silently stare at soonha. soonyoung tilted his head in confusion and followed cyrils gaze.

when soonyoung noticed she was staring at soonha,he chuckled. "aish dont be jealous shes just my sis-"

"soonha i missed you!" soonha suddenly said and launched forward to give soonha a huge bear hug. soonha and the others were surprised, soonyoungs eyes went twice larger when he saw what was happening right infront of him.

and now, everyone was staring at them. soonha awkwardly patted cyrils back, signalling her that she should pull away. but cyril just hugged her tighter and soonha sighed. "what? you know each other?" soonyoung asked confusedly.

cyril finally pulled away and wrapped an arm around soonhas shoulder, only for soonha to remove it. "yeah! shes my bestfriend back at our old school! soonha you didnt told me your dating soonyoung." cyril pouted. soonha snorted when she heard that while the others chuckled.

"hes my brother." she said, digging her hands to her pockets. cyril gasped. "you didnt told me you had a brother!"

"she didnt?!" soonyoung gasped also, maybe a bit too dramatically. soonha shrugged her shoulders. "well you didnt asked."

seokmin was about to say something, when somebody joined the scene.

"cyril whats the hold up?" johan, cyrils brother asked. his eyes landed to soonha, and his eyes widened. "oh soonha?"

soonha just nodded at him and sighed. "can we just go to the cafeteria now?" jihoon asked whilst frowning.

chan nodded. "im hungry." seungkwan and seokmin said.

"well, we gotta go to. come on cyril." johan said and dragged cyril away from us. "bye soonha!" cyril yelled and waved goodbye. soonha just nodded again and walked with the others to the cafeteria.

soonha felt like moving tables for lunch. because why the fuck is jihoon and rachel making out infront of her fucking salad.

the others felt uncomfortable too, soonha could see it. "can you like not eat each others faces infront of us?" minghao said with a disgusted face.

"what he said." junhui said. "yeah you guys shouldnt do that here, chans still here you know and you know that jeonhan hyung doesnt like it when you do that infront of him."

jihoon rolled his eyes. "i can do whatever i want with her wherever i want to. fuck off."

soonha rolled her eyes and stood up. "where are you going?"


the updates kinda short today bcs im having a hard time rn. i know it prolly sucks and im sorryㅠㅠ.

anw i just want to shout bcs mia is helping me on my au on twt. tysm mia hehehehehe♡

have a nice day/night/afternoon♡♡

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