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"she what?!" they all chorused, looking at soonyoung with surprise evident on their faces. "so does that means- that rachel was trying to kill soonha?" seungkwan asked, making the others gasp.

everyone went silent after that, especially soonha who was starting to get lost in her own thoughts. "this is.. more serious than i thought." seungcheol mumbled, before taking out his phone when it buzzed.

soonha just shook her head, not really wanting to talk about rachel. "soonha, did you already messaged cyril about soonyoung?"

soonha turned her head to mingyu, who had asked that question. "oh shit right i forgot." she mumbled, and took out her phone to just call cyril since she was too lazy to text.

"what's up?" cyril asked from the other line. "the ceiling." soonha joked, and heard cyril chuckle from the other line.

"so what made you call me?"

"soonyoung woke up." soonha said calmly, leaning on her chair and waited for cyril's response. "oh good soonyoung's awake-"

"HOLY FUCK SOONYOUNG WOKE UP TIEJRJANFNANFNE ILL BE THERE HOLD U-" cyril yelled from the other line, and soonha had to pull her phone away from her ear since it was too loud for her own liking.

"cyril?" soonha asked, and checked if the call was still on, but cyril had already ended the call.

she shrugged her shoulders, and went to sit down beside jihoon to doze off. "ji let me sleep for awhile." she said, leaning her head on jihoon's shoulder.

"sure." jihoon replied, and let soonha sleep on his shoulder for awhile. but five minutes later, when soonha was finally about to doze off to dream land the door slammed open, and cyril dashed towards soonyoung.

"soonyoung!" cyril said, smiling as she hugged soonyoung. soonyoung's face lit up, and hugged her back. "i missed you so much!" she said, happy tears streaming down her face.

the boys plus soonha just watch them quietly, watching the scene unfold. soonha groaned, before whining. "she disturbed my sleep-"

"ewwww hyung!" mingyu reacted, covering his eyes so he wouldn't see what cyril and soonyoung were doing. soonha opened her eyes curiously, before gagging and closing her eyes again, regretting what she had just saw.

"GO GET A ROOM!" jeonghan screeched, and quickly covered chan's eyes, so he wouldn't see cyril and soonyoung making out.

the both of them pulled away, a blush evident on their faces. "seriously soonyoung? infront of my lonely single ass?" minghao said, forgetting about calling him hyung.

soonyoung scratched his nape awkwardly, and watched as cyril cover her face in embarrassment. "i'm sorry- i forgot you guys were here."

soonha rolled her eyes, and just sighed.

a few hours later the boys eventually went back home. except for soonha, seungcheol, jihoon and cyril.

seungcheol was asleep on his chair, a cap covering his face while his arms were crossed on his chest. cyril was watching over soonyoung, who was already asleep, while soonha and jihoon were just sitting there silently.

"hey soonha wanna go out for a bit?" jihoon asked, looking at soonha who had woken up from her nap an hour ago. soonha lifted her face, and turned to cyril who had heard jihoon's question.

"you guys can go ahead, i'll watch over these two. just be back safely okay?" cyril said, and motioned them to go on.

jihoon sat up from his seat, a smile forming his face and put on his jacket. soonha did too, and waved at cyril before she left the room with jihoon.

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