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"urgh." jihoon woke up with a huge headache, and also with his phone continuously buzzing. he groaned and slowly sat up, and reached for his gadget that was placed on his desk.

he frowned and saw a lot of notifications coming from the group chat he was in with the boys. so he clicked it.

jun is a virgin. what a fucking loser!😛 (14)

moonhui: who the fuck change the group name

minghao_o: oh i wonder who changed it🤔🤔


minghao_o: oh?


minghao_o: ooo feisty, i like it👁👅👁

seungflutter: minghao no.

jejukwan: ew go get a room, y'all disgusting🤢🤮

moonhui: stfu it's not like u and hansol don't do it.

chwenon: ???
chwenon: i'm suddenly dragged inside this conversation i wish not to be in.

wooziixo: can y'all shut ur mouth.

minghao_o: oh look who it is.

jeonghangel: minghao no.
jeonghangel: also, jihoon is your head throbbing? do you want me to go and bring you some pills?

wooziixo: yeah.

jeonghangel: alright im omw.

jihoon put his phone on silent, and laid back on his bed, head aching.

how the fuck did i came here inside my room? he groaned, and scratched his head furiously. how can i not remember a single thing?

the door to his room opened, and jeonghan came inside holding a glass of water, and some painkillers. he sat down on jihoons bed, and handed it to him. "thanks hyung." he murmured.

"do you remember how you got in here?" jeonghan asked softly, taking the empty glass from jihoon. jihoon could only shake his head. "the last thing i remembered is that i went to a bar, and drank a few shots."

jeonghan nodded his head. "are you hungry? you want me to bring some pancakes mingyu cooked?"

"yeah, thatd be nice. thanks hyung." jihoon said leaning on the headboard. jeonghan smiled, and stood up. "you're always welcome, ji." and exited his room.

wow i'm such a dick. jihoon thought, scratching his head. because even though he did nothing but tell insults and profanities all his life, jeonghan was still there for him.

he just shook his head, and opened his phone once again.

"jihoon you're skipping practice again?"  seungcheol asked again, because jihoon had started to continuously skip practice over the past two weeks, and not to mention the talent show is nearing.

jihoon just shrugged. "yeah." and walked past seungcheol.

these past two weeks had been hell for almost everyone, mostly because jihoon kept on skipping practice, initiating fights between one of the boys, and he always comes home late at night, when everyone is already asleep.

everyone except soonha.

she had noticed the jihoons sudden change of behaviour with the boys, and she could tell that he boys were trying their best to make jihoon realize all the things he had been missing out.

rachel also stopped framing soonha for absolute no reason, the boys were relieved by that, except for the members in the operation destroy bitch mayonnaise.

they had a recent meeting, and seungkwan said he had a plan for attacking rachel. everyone agreed, except for soonha. "rachel could always frame me again. we don't want that."

"oh come on soonha! we'll be sneaky as fuck." minghao had said, nudging her. but soonha disagreed.

so the plan, was thrown in the trash.

everything was falling apart for the boys- everything was a mess, all thanks to rachel. they didn't feel like joining the talent show anymore- and they kind of planned in backing out.

and situation worsened, when soonha was dragged by one of rachel's minions, in a secluded part of the school.

soonha rolled her eyes. "the fuck do you want?" she asked. rachel smirked. "better watch that pretty mouth of yours," then leaned in closer to soonha's face. "or else i'll shut you up with mine."

soonha's face twist in disgust, and pushed her away. not only she's a fucking psychopath, she's a fucking lesbian too? "the fuck?"

rachel just giggled, as her hands slowly made its way from soonhas arm, up to her forearm, then to her shoulders. "baby, let's have some fun shall we?"

"get your hands off me." soonha said, as she tried her best not to punch the girl. soonha dislikes hurting people physically- especially since she was abused, she knows how it hurts a lot.

but maybe rachel was crossing the lines.

"shhhhh." rachel said, placing his pointer finger in between soonhas lips. "now die." and started to choke soonha.

soonha tried to gasp for air, as her hands gripped rachel's wrist tightly, and tried to pull away. rachel smirked.

that's it, she crossed the line.

soonha choked in the air, and kicked rachel's stomach harshly, rachel fell down on the ground, whilst soonha gasped for air.

soonha started to cough violently, and craned her neck to see rachel standing up. "you fucking whore!"

soonha didn't hesitated to punch rachel in the face, that sent rachel falling to the ground. "baby!" a familiar male voice had said behind soonha, and she craned her neck to look at who it is.

lee jihoon.

jihoon gasped and quickly went to his girlfriend, who started to 'cry' and pretended to be scared. "she-she-" but she was cut off when jihoon just hushed her and hugged her tight.

"i saw everything." he said, glaring at soonha.

he got it all wrong.

soonha was breathing heavily, she was not able to process everything that had happened, until a punch landed on her face.

"how dare you touch my girlfriend! i cant believe the boys think that you're so fucking innocent. i wonder what'll they think when they hear about this-"

"-seriously, what's your fucking problem?! why do you always hurt my girlfriend, why are you always ruining our relationship?! or are you jealous that i'm dating her and not you-!"

"oh why the fuck would i be jealous?!" that's it, soonha had enough, she couldn't stand all this bullshits anymore.

"i'd rather date anyone else than you- you fucking airhead! and besides, why would i even date a person like you?! a person like you who's living with his eyes close, living with lies surrounding him, can't you see?! she's just toying you!" she yelled back.

"i don't fucking care about what you said, i'm so fucking done with you! now i know why you're mom hates you- hell i even think she wants you to go and fucking die! maybe your dad even wants you to die- so just fuck off! leave us alone! and die-!"

jihoon was cut off, when soonha landed a slap on his face. warm tears were streaming down on soonha's face, because she was hurt.

she was hurt, and she had enough. so she thought, why not just die?

and that's what she's planning to do.

she breathed in heavily, and turned her heels.

what a perfect weather to die.

idk i'm so mad at jihoon why is he so blind istg.

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