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five days had past, and jihoon found himself walking by himself on the silent hallways. he had just gotten out after the practice for baseball, and was the last person to go home.

he and the boys were still not on good terms. well let's just say that he had been avoiding them. as for him and his girlfriend, everything had been just fine.

fine, until he came across this classroom where he had heard familiar voices.

the classroom door was slightly ajar, so he curiously peeled inside it, and was surprised to see rachel sitting on..

kang daniel's lap again?

he frowned, and watched them closely and eavesdrop on their conversation.

"baby i missed you." rachel said, wrapping her arms around daniel. daniel smirked, and wrapped his arms around her waist. "me too baby."

"so how's you and jihoon?"

"oh jihoon? he's kind of getting boring. i'm only using him to get closer to soonyoung, but his sister is getting on the way. she should've just killed herself." rachel said, rolling her eyes.

jihoons eyes widened because of what he had just heard. rachel.. is just using me? he crumpled his hand into a tight fist, and held the urge to open the door.

"so if you finally got soonyoung all for yourself, would you leave me alone?"

"what?! of course not, i only want fame. you know how famous soonyoung is for being a good dancer. unlike lee jihoon, all he do is sit on his fucking computer and do nothing-"

"-and boy had you heard his music? it's so fucking horrible! i hate it a lot, he's the worst producer i've ever seen to be honest."

and jihoon had enough, he quickly turned his heels from the classroom, with tears streaming down his face.

he quickly went to the parking lot, unlocked the car's door and sped off to the one and only place he could vent his anger out.

he was frowning, hands gripping tightly on the steering wheel with angry tears streaming down his face.

because was he really the worst producer on earth? was the music he had produced were all horrible? the more he think about it, the more he got frustrated.

he stepped on the brake, and quickly get out of his car, locked it and went through the woods. he passed through the familiar bushes, and quickly climbed up the rock.

he was too angry to notice the feminine figure who was sitting just beside him, he hadn't noticed her sitting there peacefully while staring at the view of seoul.

soonha rose a brow and looked at jihoon. she just stared at him cry and murmur some words like i'm such a fucking loser. i'm a dick. i'm bad at everything. i'm pathetic.

half an hour later, jihoon had finally calm down. he sniffed and lift his head up, only to meet a familiar face. he flinched and widened his eyes. "what the fuck are you doing here?" he asked.

soonha didn't answered, she was still angry at him for saying such things, and so she just ignored him and averted her gaze from jihoon then to the view of seoul once again. "you were too angry to notice that i was here the whole time." she said coldly.

then just then jihoon remembered rachel's words. i'm only using him to get closer to soonyoung. then does that means that.. soonha never really hurt rachel physically?

"s-soonha?" jihoon called out, only to be mentally slapping himself because why the fuck did he stuttered.

"what." she answered coldly. "i-i'm sorry for everything.. i just figured out that you really haven't done anything to rachel."

silence covered them, and soonha was not planning on answering that. but jihoon looked like he was expecting for her to reply, and so she did.

"you think ill forgive you that easily? after everything you've done to me? you think sorry could fix all of it?" she asked harshly, glaring at him. jihoon flinched a little. "n-no.."

soonha just chuckled bitterly. "do you think i'll forgive you after you told me to fuck off and die?"

jihoon felt extremely guilty. he sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. "no.." he mumbled, wanting to punch himself.

soonha just shook her head, and climbed down the rock. "i hope you realize now all the things you've done wrong, and i hope you'll ask for forgiveness too." she said, before leaving him alone.

jihoon was lost on his own thoughts, and all his mistakes were replaying on his mind. he groaned and frustratingly rubbed his palms on his face.

he gotta make things right.

"s-seungcheol hyung? can i talk to you?" jihoon asked, peeking his head in saeungcheol's shared room with jeonghan.

seungcheol quickly averted his gaze from his phone then to jihoon. and blinked his eyes in surprise. "i- um- sure sure!" seungcheol said, still flabbergasted.

jihoon entered the room and gently closed the door, before sitting down beside seungcheol and rubbed his nape. "so what do you want to talk about?"

"i just want to say sorry for everything hyung, i just found out earlier that rachel's.. just toying me.." jihoon said guiltily, while playing with his fingers nervously.

seungcheol's gaze soften, and wrapped an arm around jihoon. "i'm glad you finally realized everything, jihoon. and about your apology, i forgive you jihoon. and also, you need to apologize to the boys too, especially soonyoung and soonha."

jihoon groaned, and frustratingly ruffled his hair. "that's why i came to you first, because i need your help."

seungcheol chuckled, and nodded his head. "alright i'll help you, it's good seeing you're making things right."

"soonha told me to."

seungcheol rose a brow. "what? when?"

jihoon didn't answered for a moment, before shaking his head. "never mind. now what should i do now hyung?"

"make things right, ji."

which is your otp; soonhoon or jicheol?

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