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soonha woke up, coughing badly. she sat up, and rubbed her eyes. then started to cough once again. she groaned. the cough must be catching up with me.

a few hours later, soonyoung noticed that soonha looked pale, and she kept coughing too. he sat down beside her this morning, and placed the back of his hand on her forehead.

"are you okay? do you feel sick?" soonha just shook her head, and gently pushed soonyoung's hand away. "i'm cough fine. just a cold or something."

"doesn't look like a cold to me." minghao said, shrugged his shoulders. "woman, you look sick."

"i agree with hyung." seungkwan said. "noona you can skip school today, and rest." seungkwan added. "yeah, it'd be better if you rest, than force yourself to school." jeonghan said.

she just shook her head. "no seriously, i'm fine, just a small cold. and besides, i need to attend school since the teachers' going to give us the reviewers."

"wonwoo hyung can write it down for you." seokmin said, nodding his head to wonwoos direction. "right, hyung?"

"yeah." wonwoo said. soonha just sighed. "i'm fine, really, you don't need to worry for me." she said firmly, and the boys know that they couldn't change the stubborn girl's choice.

hours had past, and soonha found herself sitting beside jihoon in physics. she was staring at mr. jung hoseok, who was writting on the chalkboard the topics that needed to be reviewed.

she wrote them down on her notebook silently, before glancing back up to the chalkboard when mr. hoseok spoke up. "alright, this are the topics that you need to study." he said, flashing a bright smile brighter than the sun to his students.

jihoon was staring outside the window boredly, he didn't cared about the reviewers. eh, studying is boring anyway, and besides, it's not like he really studies before examinations.

the bell rang, signalling them that school was over for today. soonha got up from her seat, did a little stretch, and packed up her stuffs.

she noticed that jihoon looked like he was in a hurry, and she guessed that maybe he was going to a meeting. wonwoo approached her while pushing his spectacles back up to his nose.

"hey ha, wanna go study with me later at the library?" he asked, watching as soonha slung her bag to her shoulder. "yeah sure."

"but!" wonwoo suddenly said, making soonha halt on walking. "but?"

"we're going to take the bus on the way home, is that okay for you?" soonha nodded her head, and grabbed wonwoos wrist. "alright, now let's go woowoo."

"the hell is woowoo?"

"my nickname for you." she said, walking out of the classroom with wonwoo. wonwoo chuckled. "never knew you're that type of person who gives nicknames to everyone. how about jihoon? what's your nickname for him? baby ji? or or my love?" wonwoo teased.

soonha rolled her eyes. "oh please, i don't even like him. and stop that teasing, ive had enough of that shit with the girls earlier."

wonwoo just chuckled, and ruffled her hair. "but that won't change the fact that i think you like him."

"oh will you shut up jeon."

"i didn't said anything?" someone suddenly said beside soonha. soonha craned her neck to where the voice came from, and rose a brow.

"i wasnt talking to you, jungkook. stop butting in on our conversation." she snapped, but wonwoo hit the back of her head. "hey!"

"you can't just snap at my brother like that!" wonwoo scolded, and turned to his younger brother. "sorry bout that, kook."

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