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warning: shitty chapter ahead (bcs i'm running out of ideas and this chapter is so y/n like uuuujhhhhhh)

soonha was receiving a lot of stares, and so are the other boys. most of them were looking at them in disgust and some were glaring.

"did we do something wrong?" she whispered to wonwoo, who was frowning too. "i don't think so, why are they looking at us like that?" wonwoo asked back, but soonha only shrugged.

"i don't know, what if rachel did something again?" she said, making wonwoo frown deeper once they enter their classroom.

jihoon, junhui and soonyoung were already there and well, most of them were talking shit about jihoon. some were even throwing crumbled paper to his head.

the shorter hissed, getting annoyed already. but he just calmed himself down, knowing that he'll get in a lot of trouble if things get out of hand.

so he picked up one of the crumbled papers on the floor, and opened it and read what was written on it.

'go fuck yourself'

' your music sucks'

'give credits to the original owner of the music'


jihoon groaned, completely confused as of why are they acting like this. once soonha sat down, some students started to throw things at her too.

"can you stop?!" she snapped, glaring at the group of students who kept on throwing things at them.

"just ignore them." jihoon mumbled, sighing. "what's up with them anyways? we didn't even do anything wrong." he added.

"HYUNG! SOONHA!" seungkwan suddenly barged in on the classroom, running towards them while holding his phone tightly.

he received a lot of attention too, almost all of the class looking at seungkwan in disgust. hansol trailed along too, a troubled look on his face.

seungkwan ignored the stares, and quickly showed his phone to soonha. "YOU GOTTA LOOK AT THIS!" he said, almost shoving the phone on soonha's face.

"geez wait." she rolled her eyes, before taking his phone from his hand and started to read what was written on seungkwan's phone. jihoon peeked too, curious on why seungkwan suddenly barged in like that.

 jihoon peeked too, curious on why seungkwan suddenly barged in like that

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