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soonyoung is that type of friend who's sweet, caring, lovable, and understanding. he's also that type of boyfriend material.

that boyfriend material you would never get, sadly.

but anyway, when he heard about jihoon's apology after seungcheol had gathered them up, he was the first one to show reaction.

he hugged jihoon tightly (almost squishing strawberry in the process) and said, "strawberry i hope you're feeling fine after what you saw, and i forgive you. if you need someone to cry on, i'm always here for you strawberry."

jihoon licked his lips, feeling a lump forming in his throat. soonyoung pulled away and jihoon played with his fingers nervously.

"group hugggg!" seokmin suddenly shouted, and soon, jihoon was squished in between tight hugs and laughters.

when they pulled away, jihoon couldn't help but bawl his eyes out. "awww jihoonie is crying!" soonyoung teased with a giggle and pulled the smaller into a hug.

jihoon was just so thankful. thankful that even if he acted like a dick to his friends, they still had forgived them and welcomed him with open arms.

and because jihoon was crying, seokmin initiated another group hug. jihoon wipes his tears with a goofy smile on his face. "t-thank y-you." he mumbled when thy pulled away.

"aw why are you thanking us?" jeonghan asked, helping jihoon on wiping his tears. "f-for forgiving me."

"of course we'll always forgive you hyung! we're family! isn't that what family is for? loving, forgiving and understanding each other?" mingyu said, making jihoon smile widely that the smile reached up to his ears.

"yeah!" seokmin, chan, seungkwan, soonyoung, and joshua said in unison. "well, ilove forgive jihoon hyung in one condition." minghao spoke up.

jihoon turned to him and sniffed. "depends on what it is." jihoon answered. "treat me lunch for a whole week!" minghao said, followed by his cute giggle.

jihoon sighed, if that'll make minghao forgive him, then sure. "alright then, if that's what you want." jihoon could already sense his wallet crying.

minghao widened his eyes, not really expecting for jihoon to agree. "woah really hyung?!"

"you don't want it?"

"thanks a lot hyung!" minghao said, showing him his thumbs up. "you're off the hook." minghao added.

"how about soonha?" junhui asked curiously. "what about her?" soonyoung asked.

"did you already apologized to her?" this time, it was wonwoo. jihoon rubbed the back of his neck. "i uh- i tried but she said she won't forgive me that easily," then he turned to soonyoung.

"what should i do to make her forgive me, again?" he asked soonyoung, who started to stroke his imaginary beard.

"i think she'll give you a few days to prove that you're really sincere about your apology soooo. you basically just have to show her that you're really sincere about your apology."

jihoon scratched his head. "how would i do that?"

"i say bribe her with food." minghao said, wiggling his eyes. soonyoung chuckled, and shook his head. "that won't work."

jihoon pouted his lips, before ruffling his strawberry hair. "i hope she'll forgive me."

"baby!" a high pitched (and undeniably annoying) voice said, as she pushed one student out of her way and ran to hug her boyfriend.

or so she thought.

"baby i missed-" rachel was surprised when jihoon suddenly pushed her away, annoyance visible on his face. "

cut the crap, rachel." jihoon said, loud and clear, catching the other student's attention.

rachel was confused, but she didn't dropped trhe act. "what are you talking about baby?" she asked, feeling a little nervous.

jihoon just rolled his eyes. "i know everything, rachel, don't even try to play dumb. i know you're just using me to get closer to soonyoung. so we're over." he said in between gritted teeth.

this earned murmurs around them, coming from students. rachel could only form her hand into a tight fist, as she listened.

"ugh what a fucking whore."

"i know right? i always knew she's up to something."

"i cant believe she's just using jihoon yo get close to soonyoung! ugh, she's really a bitch."

"and she even got the audacity to frame soonha, saying that soonha hurt her."

"tsk, i hate her."

"who doesn't?"

as if on cue, soonha appeared in the hallway, walking with soonyoung. because, you know, she and wonwoo aren't on talking terms at the moment.

rachel averted her gaze from jihoon, then to soonha. her eyes burned with anger as she pushed jihoon away and walked towards soonha.

"this is all your fault!" rachel shouted as she started to grab soonha's hair. soonha was confused/mad/irritated at the same time, so her hands made their way to grip on rachel's wrist.

soonyoung and jihoon was quick enough to react. jihoon ran to soonha and rachel as he tried to stop rachel from grabbing her hair more.

soonyoung tried to separate the two, but rachel won't budge.

soonha was so done, that she removed her hands from her wrist and slapped rachel's face. rachel pulled away, breathing heavily. "you son of a bi-!"

jihoon quickly held her back, before she could do something while soonyoung went infront of soonha to protect her.

"god she's a lunatic!"

"i agree, soonha didn't even do anything and now she blames her for all her crap? the hell."

murmurs were heard once again around them, and that's when rachel had shrugged off jihoon's tight grip from her shoulder and glared at her.

"you will pay for this." before storming out of the scene.

happyyy biiiirthday to carat's one and only moon!!! wen junhuiiiii <///3

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