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"hey jihoon-"

"don't talk to me." jihoon sulked, crossing his arms and looking away from soonha. the girl sighed, and let jihoon ignore her.

"wow jihoon hyung you're acting like the girl in the relationship." minghao said, causing junhui to snicker. "yeah, you look like a jealous bitch!"

"i'm not jealous." jihoon mumbled while frowning. "yeah whatever you say." mingyu said, chuckling at the older.

"you made jihoonie sad." soonyoung said, pouting while he poke his sister's cheek. she shrugged her shoulders, before glancing at jihoon who she caught staring at her.

he quickly looked away, still frowning while his arms crossed. "never thought jihoon would be jealous over lee chan." seungkwan said, flapping his imaginary hair.

"HELL YEAH EVERYONE IS JEALOUS OF ME!" chan suddenly shouted, pumping his fist in the air proudly with a smirk. seungcheol flinched from the driver's seat, while joshua scolded chan for being so loud. "sorry hyung."

"i told you i'm not jealous!" jihoon said, glaring at seungkwan.

"oh yeah? then what are you?" seungkwan teased. jihoon just ignored him, and continued to sulk.

"well he's really not talking to me." soonha sighed, watching as jihoon quickly sped off to his room the moment they reached home.

minghao chuckled, and wrap an arm around soonha. "don't worry about him, shorty. trust me, he'll come talking to you later."

"don't call me shorty." she hissed at the tall guy, before pushing him away. "you're just tall." she added, glaring at minghao. the chinese boy just laughed, and stuck his tongue out at soonha teasingly

soonha was about to give him the finger, when she caught joshua looking at her intently. so she just put her hand down and went to her room.

"dinner is ready!" mingyu shouted from the kitchen. the boys in the living room immediately ran towards the dining room, whilst the others went to go and get the others.

"soonha let's eat." soonyoung said, knocking on soonha's bedroom. soonha frustratingly threw her math homework on the bed, feeling stressed out on how fucking hard it was.

"yeah yeah." she mumbled, standing up from her chair and approaching the door to her room.

"where's jihoon?" jeonghan asked while passing the plates to the boys. soonha sat down beside wonwoo who passed her a plate. she mumbled a 'thank you' and listened to the boys' conversation.

"i think no one went to his room to get him out." seokmin said, already eating dinner without praying. "seokmin." joshua said, making the younger smiled sheepishly and stop eating.

"seungkwan go get jihoon." seungkwan was suddenly offended for no reason. "what?! why me?! i'm too fabulous to do stuffs like that! ugh! you think i'm a-"

"chill dude, all seungcheol hyung said was to go and get jihoon." minghao cut off seungkwan's stupid speech. seungkwan rolled his eyes, before standing up and going to jihoon's room.

"AAAAAAH FUCK!" seungkwan suddenly came back screaming, with no jihoon in sight. everyone rose a brow, while mingyu and seokmin was itching to eat their food already.

"what's wrong?" hansol asked, looking at he terrified boy. seungkwan immediately sat down. "jihoon hyung he-"

"he what?" soonyoung asked, his curiousity sparking. soonha just watched them silently, and so did wonwoo.

"he dyed his hair to caramel!" everyone fell quiet to seungkwan's sentence. minghao rolled his eyes before kicking seungkwan's leg under the table. "stupid i thought something happened."

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