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"where have you guys been?" seungcheol asked curiously, looking at soonha and jihoon who walked past by him. seungcheol closed the door, and noticed that their hair was slightly wet.

"why are you wet?" seungcheol asked again. he was about to ask again when soonha suddenly sneezed, surprising everyone. she rose a brow when he whole room went silent. "what? am i that ugly while sneezing?"

soonyoung frowned, and approached soonha. "why are you wet?" soonyoung asked, but soonha sneezed again. soonyoung then turned to jihoon, "where did you guys go?"

"none of your business." jihoon answered, and tapped soonhas shoulder. soonha turned around, looking at jihoon. "your phone." jihoon said, giving her phone back to her.

now the boys were confused. because 1) soonha and jihoon isn't fighting 2) why are they wet and 3) where on earth did they go.

soonha took her phone, and nod at jihoon. "thanks." she mumbled, and walked past soonyoung then made her way to her room to shower.

jihoon was about to go to his room to, but he was stopped by seungcheol grabbing his arm. "spill the tea that you got there." then wiggled his eyebrows.

jihoon sighed, once the boys surrounded him with confused faces. he nodded, knowing that he wouldn't be able to escape. "alright fine, let me just go change my clothes."

seungcheol let go of him, and jihoon finally went to his room to shower.

soonha just finished showering, and her hair was already blown dried. she wore an oversized black shirt and some loose pajamas.

she went to her bag, opened it, and took out an unopened box of cigarettes and the lighter johan brought for her.

she placed it on her desk, and tied her hair into a messy bun before grabbing the cigarettes and lighter again and making her way to the balcony.

she closed the door and made her way to the railings. she opened the box of cigarette, took out one piece, and placed it in between of her lips.

she lit the edge of it, and carelessly threw the box of cigs to the chair she had dragged out maybe last week? eh, she forgot.

she placed her elbows on the railings, before inhaling through her mouth, then taking out the cigarette from her mouth and exhaled.

a cloud of smoke exited her mouth, and she let the cigarette dangle between her fingers. half an hour past, and she was just standing there, lost in her own thoughts.

meanwhile jihoon had just got back from his room after the boys had interrogated him, he didn't told them everything, obviously, but the boys knew something had happened since midway of telling his story, jihoon had blushed madly.

he decided to just hang out for a bit in the balcony, so he went to grab his chair but stopped on his tracks when he saw something familiar. the bracelet.. right.. i should return it.

he grabbed the bracelet, and went to the balcony with his chair. he sat down on the chair, and raised his feet to the edge of the railings.

he stared at the bracelet, and thought to himself. what's so important with this? then stared upwards to where soonhas balcony was located at.

a few minutes had past, and jihoon started to smell the smell of cigarettes again. he coughed, and decided to give the bracelet back to soonha.

so he stood up from his chair, and went to where the emergency chairs were. he slowly climbed past the railings, and to the emergency stairs quietly.

he climbed upwards, to soonhas balcony.

soonha was pretty much just chilling, having her second cig for the night. she was doing all fine when she heard someone spoke behind her.

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