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10:58 am

soonha was chilling on the living room with the boys, she was on the couch beside wonwoo, playing on her phone.

"why are you so good at this?" wonwoo whined, as his player got killed by soonha. soonha shrugged her shoulders. "i don't know."

"you're almost as good as jungkook." he huffed, and watch as his player got resurrected. "don't tell me jungkook's better than you." she said, snorting.

wonwoo doesn't answer, and continued to play.

jihoon suddenly occupied the seat beside soonha, whilst staring at her phone. "huh, you aren't studying today?" he asked her.

soonha shook her head. "soonyoung told me to take a break atleast one day."

"i mean, he isn't wrong, when you were sick you spent the whole day inside your room, studying for exams."

"i cant just waste time, you know? time is gold." she said in a matter-of-factly tone, and once again killed wonwoo's player. "that's it, i give up." wonwoo said, throwing his phone beside him.

soonha chuckled. "aw come on woowoo, don't give up that easily." she teased, and nudged wonwoo, who only pouted.

suddenly, there was knock on the door, making wonwoo nudge her. "open the door, ha."

"no way," she said, before kicking jihoon's leg. "go open the door dwarf." she said, motioning him to go and open the door. jihoon shook his head. "no."

"jihoon." she said, kicking his leg once again. jihoon groaned and stood up.

"fine." he lazily walked to the door, and opened it. jihoon pursed his lips, and before he could even take a look who knocked on their door, he was pulled into a hug.

"baby!" a high-pitched voice yelled, making all heads turn to jihoon and rachel. jihoon was surprised, as he hesitated to hug her back.

he tried not to cough at the strong scent of perfume from rachel, and thankfully, she finally pulled away. "baby i am so sorry. i came here to talk to you." she said, batting her eyelashes at jihoon.

jihoon suddenly felt like he didn't wanted to see her, like he wanted to yell at her to fuck off then go back to his spot on the couch and have a small conversation with soonha again.

but isn't this what he wanted? for rachel to talk to him? so lee jihoon doesn't listen to his heart, and used his brain. he let rachel enter their apartment, before closing the door.

"lets talk at my room." jihoon said, and dragged her with him to his room. soonha rose a brow, and turned to look at seungkwan who was also looking at her.

seungkwan broke the eye contact and went back to using his phone, and soonha did too. but she suddenly got added into a group chat once again.

operation: destroy bitch mayonnaise👏(6)

divaboo added s00nha, mingew, thehao and two others to the chat.

divaboo: told y'all she's up to summ!

thehao: now to think of it, she does seems fishy.

sockmin: 🐠🐠🐠🐠🐠

moonhui: what if she just wants to talk to jihoon and fixed some stuffs

divaboo: what IF she really is planning sumn?

s00nha: ugh, y'all still not over this

mingew: its seungkwan what do you expect

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